
Candidate Close-ups

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The race to replace Gov. Gray Davis has drawn 135 candidates, a colorful cross-section of Californians that includes a handful of veteran politicians sprinkled amid a sea of novices.

Some are using the historic moment to promote causes such as fuel-efficient cars or college tuition fee reductions; others admit they are in the race mainly to promote themselves.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Oct. 4, 2003 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Saturday October 04, 2003 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 32 words Type of Material: Correction
Voter guide -- In Sunday’s Voter Guide, Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Beyer was incorrectly identified as the founder of Transwest Investigative Services. He is the chief operations officer of TransWest Investigations Inc.
For The Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday October 05, 2003 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 33 words Type of Material: Correction
Voter Guide -- In last Sunday’s Voter Guide, Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Beyer was incorrectly identified as the founder of Transwest Investigative Services. He is the chief operations officer of TransWest Investigations Inc.

Three well-known contenders have pushed to the front of the pack in recent polls: Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante, a Democrat; Republican actor Arnold Schwarzenegger; and Republican state Sen. Tom McClintock. Scores of ordinary people embarked on earnest, quixotic political campaigns. Others paid $3,500 to place their names on the ballot, only to drop out of the race.




Cruz Bustamante

Age: 50

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Lieutenant governor of California

Residence: Elk Grove

Family: Bustamante and his wife, Arcelia, have three grown children and two grandchildren

Education: B.A. in interdisciplinary studies, 2003, Cal State Fresno.

Career Highlights: District representative for two Fresno Democrats; U.S. Rep. Richard Lehman, 1983-88; and state Assemblyman Bruce Bronzan, 1988-93. Elected to Bronzan’s seat in a special election in 1993. Elected Assembly speaker in December 1996, and served 14 months. Elected lieutenant governor in 1998, becoming first Latino to hold that state office since 1878.

Tom McClintock

Age: 47

Party: Republican

Occupation: California state senator, Thousand Oaks.

Residence: Thousand Oaks and Elk Grove

Family: McClintock and his wife, Lori, have two children

Education: B.A. in political science, UCLA, 1978.

Career Highlights: Thousand Oaks News-Chronicle columnist, 1976-80. Aide to state Sen. Ed Davis (R-Chatsworth) 1980-1982; elected to the Assembly at age 26 and represented portions of Ventura County, 1982-92. Worked for taxpayers’ advocacy group and public policy think tank, 1992-96. Elected to Assembly in 1996; elected to state Senate in 2000. Ran unsuccessfully for Congress in 1992 and state controller in 1994 and 2002.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Age: 56

Party: Republican

Occupation: Actor/businessman

Residence: Brentwood

Family: Schwarzenegger and his wife, television journalist Maria Shriver, have four children


Education: B.A. in business and international economics, University of Wisconsin-Superior, 1979.

Career Highlights: As a bodybuilder, won 13 championship titles; was the subject of “Pumping Iron,” a 1977 documentary about bodybuilding, and went on to star in many films. In 1990 was named chairman of the Presidential Council on Physical Fitness and Sports under President George Bush. Sponsored Proposition 49, a ballot measure approved in 2002 to increase funding for after-school programs.


The Rest of the Field

Iris Adam

Age: 50

Party: Natural Law

Occupation: Business analyst, UC Irvine

Residence: Irvine

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.A. in education, University of Wyoming, 1975

Career highlights: Ran for governor in 2002. Fund-raiser for children’s charities. Raised three foster children. Former director of school for gifted children.


Quote: “The recall is disruptive. Sustainable economy, quality education, health care are not Republican or Democratic issues. They are important issues. We need to infuse coherent consciousness into the process to solve the problems of California.”

Brooke Adams

Age: 25

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Business account executive with Gramercy Partners publishing house

Residence: Dana Point

Family: Single

Education: B.A. in communications from USC, 2000

Career highlights: Cable television reporter before entering publishing.

Quote: “It’s time for my generation to lead California. Davis has done a terrible job of leading California, and so have Democratic and Republican politicians. I believe my candidacy will empower my generation to control our own destiny.”

Alex-St. James

Party: Republican

Occupation: Public policy strategist

Residence: Sacramento

Douglas Anderson

Age: 55

Party: Republican

Occupation: Mortgagebroker

Residence: Simi Valley

Family: Married, two children, four grandchildren

Education: Attended El Camino College, 1967-69

Career highlights: National Republican Congressional Committee Businessman of the Year, 2003; five-year president, Professional References, a Simi Valley business networking group; member of Elk and Moose lodges; 12-year member of the National Rifle Assn.

Quote: “I want to control our borders and stop illegal immigration. We have so many problems ... and it’s because there are too many people in this state.”


Age: “Ageless”

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Billboard model, entertainer

Residence: Rancho Palos Verdes and Bel-Air

Family: Single

Education: Declined to state

Career highlights: Known for billboard campaign. Featured in more than 43 films and more than 1,000 magazines and televisions shows.

Quote: “We’ve had Gray. We’ve had Brown. Now it’s time for some blond and pink.”

Mohammad Arif

Age: 33

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: Los Angeles

Family: Married

Education: B.A. in commerce, M.A. in economics, Punjab University, Pakistan.

Career highlights: Organizer for Pakistan People’s Party in late 1980s.

Quote: “My agenda is to work for the common people -- for everyone.”

Badi Badiozamani

Age: 55

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Entrepreneur, author and executive

Residence: San Diego

Family: Married, two daughters

Education: B.A. in 1973 from Shiraz Pahlavi University in Iran; M.A. in public administration, Roosevelt University, Chicago, 1977.


Career highlights: Served in Iranian navy, 1973-75. Immigrated to California in 1981. Founded insurance company and translation services firm in San Diego. Appointed by Gov. Pete Wilson to serve five years on Governor’s Joint Advisory Board; currently on San Diego Business Advisory Board and San Diego International Affairs Board. Author of a book, “Iran and America: Rethinking Love Lost,” to be published this fall.

Quote: “This is an opportunity for me to offer my experience and assistance back to the state that let me and my family live the American dream.”

Vik S. Bajwa

Age: 42

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: Santa Rosa

Family: Married, three children

Education: Undergraduate degree in public administration, 1977, and law degree, 1980, both at Punjab University, India.

Career highlights: Started a real estate development business that concentrates on building townhomes, single-family homes and hotels.

Quote: “This election is open to everyone and it’s an opportunity to bring in new ideas and new blood.”

John W. Beard

Age: 41

Party: Republican

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: Chatsworth

Family: Married, five children

Education: Los Angeles Baptist High School, 1980

Career highlights: Helped make family graphic arts and printing business, G2 Graphic Service, into multimillion-dollar company.


Quote: “I want to run California like a business. This state would be in a lot better condition if its government treated the people of California like customers, not tenants.”

Ed Beyer

Age: 37

Party: Republican

Occupation: Chief operating officer and licensed private investigator

Residence: San Clemente

Family: Married, two children

Education: Attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Career highlights: Founded Transwest Investigative Services.

Quote: “We need to bring people and jobs back to California.”

Vip Bhola

Age: 36

Party: Republican

Occupation: Attorney and business owner

Residence: Northridge

Family: Married, two children

Education: Law degree from University of La Verne, 1996; attended Cal State Northridge, 1985-86.

Career highlights: Litigates civil business and personal injury cases in North Hollywood.

Quote: “Fortunately, I have very little political experience. We’ve seen what a lifetime of political experience has brought Gray Davis.”

Cheryl Bly-Chester

Age: 45

Party: Republican

Occupation: Business owner, environmental engineer

Residence: Roseville

Family: Single, three children

Education: B.S. in civil engineering, UC Davis, 1979; MBA, American Graduate School of International Management, 1984; postgraduate certificate in nuclear power reactor safety, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1986.

Career highlights: Engineering, career in transportation, energy and environmental fields for 27 years.

Quote: “I can keep businesses in California by eliminating unnecessary regulatory duplication, and reorganize and consolidate the governor’s office to cut spending and improve the economy.”


Audie Elizabeth Bock

Age: 57

Party: Democrat

Occupation: College professor, author specializing in Asian culture

Residence: Piedmont

Family: Single, one child

Education: B.A. in French, Wellesley College, 1967; M.A. in East Asian studies, Harvard University, 1974.

Career highlights: From 1985-99, owned film distribution company. In 1999, won a special election to fill a vacant Assembly seat, becoming first Green Party candidate in the country to hold state office. Served until 2000. Wrote three books on Japanese film. Taught ethnic studies at Harvard, Yale and UC Berkeley. Currently teaching in Peralta Community College District in Oakland.

Quote: “Across the board, there is a whole list of failed policies -- whether it’s criminal justice, or the environment, or education -- and they’re symptomatic of the way the current administration runs things. They are all things I know the Democratic Party is prepared to address, but it requires appropriate leadership.”

Joel Britton

Age: 62

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Retired meatpacker

Residence: Los Angeles

Family: Married

Education: Attended Northwestern University and Roosevelt University, both in Illinois, and North Dakota State University, 1959-62.

Career highlights: Worked as a meatpacker in Chicago, late 1990s and early 2000s; as a chemical process operator at Chevron refinery, 1983-92; active member of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union; member of National Committee of the Socialist Workers Party.

Quote: “The crisis of the capitalist system and the capitalist government in Sacramento shouldn’t be put on the backs of the working people.”


Art Brown

Age: 38

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Film writer, director

Residence: Canoga Park

Family: Single

Education: B.A. in economics, UC Berkeley, 1988; law degree, Loyola Law School, 1993.

Career highlights: Wrote a handful of studio and independent films, including “Best Men.”

Quote: “I absolutely have some genuine issues. I started for publicity, but now that I’m running, I kind of want to run. I want to stir up the pot. I’ll debate anyone at any time, and hopefully at least give the voters something to chew on.”

John Christopher Burton

Age: 50

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Civil rights attorney

Residence: Pasadena

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.A. in anthropology, UCLA, 1976; law degree, Hastings College of the Law, 1978.

Career highlights: Adjunct law professor at University of West Los Angeles, 1981-89. Opened own civil rights law practice, 1984.

Quote: “The recall campaign, which I oppose, is an attempt by right-wing forces to undermine democratic rights and accelerate the accumulation of corporate profits and the wealth of the rich. But if the recall is successful, California’s working people need an alternative to the pro-big-business policies of the candidates associated with the Democratic Party.”

Peter Miguel Camejo

Age: 63

Party: Green

Occupation: Chairman and co-founder, Progressive Asset Management

Residence: Walnut Creek

Family: Married

Education: Attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1958-60. Enrolled at UC Berkeley, 1965-67; arrested and expelled for speaking at an unauthorized rally while running on an activist platform in a student government election.

Career highlights: Ran for president in 1976 on the Socialist Workers Party ticket. Founding member of California’s Green Party in the 1990s and ran as the Green candidate for governor in the 2002 election. Worked as a stockbroker and Founded Progressive Asset Management in 1987 to provide socially responsible investment options for wealthy clients.


Quote: “My strategy will be to come out as a reasonable person -- which by itself will be a victory for the Green Party.”

Todd Carson

Age: 34

Party: Republican

Occupation: Commercial real estate developer and investor; former admissions counselor and lacrosse coach, Chapman University, Orange

Residence: Newport Beach

Family: Married, one child

Education: B.A. in psychology, Chapman University, 1992; real estate license, 1993.

Career highlights: Three-year member of the Western Carwash Assn.; member of Chapman University men’s lacrosse alumni boards and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity alumni boards.

Quote: “The state’s not run like a business, and it needs to be because you’re dealing with dollars. Political parties get put before the budget.”

William Chambers

Age: 47

Party: Republican

Occupation: Railroad worker

Residence: Auburn

Family: Married, one child

Education: Attended Cypress Community College

Career highlights: Switchman and brakeman for Union Pacific Railroad for 26 years.

Quote: “I’m tired of what the politicians have done to our state. One political party is not to blame for all of the problems we have in California. All of the parties are to blame. The politics-as-usual syndrome has got to stop.”

Michael Cheli

Age: 42

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Internet entrepreneur

Residence: Santa Rosa



Career highlights: Started CyberMall, an internet shopping site, and has worked for Hewlett Packard and SBC. Served on the board of directors for Ideas to Market, a nonprofit inventors group. Community volunteer with HP United Way assisting senior citizens, and has worked with community groups to weatherize homes and install solar-electricity systems for low-income families.


Quote: “I’ll cross all party lines in order to procure the best solutions for the challenges facing California.”

D. (Logan Darrow) Clements

Age: 34

Party: Republican

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: Pacific Palisades

Family: Single

Education: B.A. in economics, University of Rochester, 1991; MBA, University of Rochester, 1992.

Career highlights: Currently launching FreeNation, a television show that highlights individuals “taking a stand against abusive government.” Published American Venture magazine from 1997 to 2001.

Quote: “I want minimum government. I’m not talking about less government; as an objectivist, I favor the government only protecting rights, which means police and justice and that’s it. We have terrible schools, we have traffic jams, we have the energy crisis -- government does a terrible job of everything it does.”

Gary Wayne Coleman

Age: 35

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Actor

Residence: Culver City

Family: Single

Education: General equivalency diploma

Career highlights: Starred as Arnold Drummond in 1970s TV sitcom “Diff’rent Strokes.”

Quote: “I am the least-qualified man that might do the best job, if I were really running. But I’d say people first, corporations second. I’d send private citizens and investigators to go get California’s $38 billion back.”

Mary ‘Mary Carey’ Cook

Age: 23

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Adult film actress

Residence: Hollywood

Family: Separated

Education: Taking college classes through Florida Atlantic University, majoring in theater

Career highlights: Appeared on Playboy’s “Totally Busted” and pornographic video series “Mary Carey Rules.”


Quote: “I started out as thinking, ‘This would be funny. Why don’t I run?’ But then I discovered I really wanted to do it. I want to show that you can do porn and it doesn’t mean you are stupid. It’s good to show women that they can do these things, that running for governor isn’t just for high-class, older men.”

Robert Cullenbine

Age: 65

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Retired real estate agent, now a development director

Residence: Palo Alto

Family: Divorced, three children, three grandchildren

Education: B.A. in economics, Stanford University, 1962

Career highlights: One of the founders and president of the Mid-Peninsula Free University, an education collective active in Palo Alto in the late 1960s. Also was a real estate agent and restaurateur. Now development director for a charity founded by his daughter to benefit needy Bay Area children.

Quote: “I think the recall is a terrible idea -- the only legitimate vote in this is one for [Cruz] Bustamante, because everyone else, including me, is an interloper. I did this because there’s no other chance for me to make an argument against the recall to as many people as I’m making it to for a small amount of money.”

Scott Davis

(Davis withdrew from the race, but his name will still appear on the ballot)

Age: 38

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Owns Valero Solutions, high-tech software consulting company.

Residence: Palo Alto

Family: Single

Education: B.S. in business, University of North Carolina, 1987; M.S. in business administration from the University of Georgia, 1988.

Career highlights: Won professional awards at several companies he worked for before starting his own business. Has done consulting work for Dell Computer.

Quote: “I’m the real Davis for governor. I’m unhappy with the status quo government. I want to make our state government more efficient and I want to lower taxes.”


Robert ‘Butch’ Dole

Age: 54

Party: Republican

Occupation: Owns small-package delivery service

Residence: San Jose

Family: Married, one son

Education: High school graduate, 1967

Career highlights: Marine Corps, 1967-80; field service engineer until 1990; started own business after being laid off.

Quote: “There are so many things that we need to change and turn around. I’m not rich, and no lobbyists have ever contacted me. I will think for myself, and I know how to make a good decision. Because I’m a small businessman, I’m very frugal. I try not to spend more than I make.”

Bob Lynn Edwards Jr.

Age: 42

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Divorce lawyer

Residence: Hayward

Family: Married; two sons, one stepson

Education: B.A. in political science, San Francisco State, 1983; law degree, San Francisco Law School, 1991.

Career highlights: Member of California State Bar since 1991. Established own law firm in Fremont, 1991.

Quote: “I was concerned that an ultraconservative would win. I felt it was my responsibility to put my name on the ballot because I think I can make a change for the better. This is an amazing thing for California.”

Warren Farrell

Age: 60

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Author of books on fathers and families

Residence: Carlsbad

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.A. in social studies, Montclair State, 1965; M.A. in political science, UCLA, 1966; doctorate in political science, New York University, 1974.


Career highlights: Books include: “Father and Child Reunion” and “Why Men Are the Way They Are.”

Quote: “One of my purposes is to create stronger families so we have more functional citizens that are paying taxes than are tax sponges.”

Dan Feinstein

Age: 40

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Visual effects artist for movie industry

Residence: San Francisco

Family: Single

Education: B.A. in radio, television and film, San Jose State, 1992.

Career highlights: Worked on “Terminator 3” starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Quote: “I am trying to get some issues into the political arena that aren’t being discussed by the celebrity candidates, like higher education. Cutting higher education is a bad thing to do.”

Larry Flynt

Age: 60

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Publisher

Residence: Beverly Hills

Family: Married, five children

Education: Attended high school

Career highlights: President, Larry Flynt Publications. Owner of Hustler Casino. Imprisoned for six months in 1983 for contempt of court. Sponsors Larry Flynt Foundation, which supports research on spinal cord injuries and civil liberties.

Quote: “Just because I peddle in porn doesn’t mean I’m not concerned about the serious ills all of us are facing.”

Lorraine (Abner Zurd) Fontanes

Age: 41

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Filmmaker

Residence: Westwood

Family: Married, one daughter

Education: B.A. in radio, television and film, Temple University, 1983.

Career highlights: Motocross journalist; directed “Independence Day,” a short film shown at the Sundance Film Festival in 1994.


Quote: “My platform is basically common sense for California. It’s time we got together and stopped bickering.”

Gene Forte

Age: 51

Party: Republican

Occupation: Executive recruiter

Residence: Salinas

Family: Married, four children

Education: Los Banos High School, 1970

Career highlights: Ran a radio program promoting ethical responsibilities of attorneys and judicial officials.

Quote: “The very first thing I would do [as governor] is make sure we start to have civilian oversight of all government agencies and the judicial system.”

Diana Foss

Age: 39

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Homemaker

Residence: San Jose

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.S. in astronomy, Caltech, 1986; M.S. in astronomy, University of Arizona, 1991.

Career highlights: Former astronomer and computer programmer; three-year PTA member at River Glen Elementary School, San Jose.

Quote: “I’m pig-biting mad because Darrell Issa thought he could buy the governor’s seat. I don’t want to be governor; I want everyone to vote no on the recall.”


Ronald J. Friedman

Age: 60

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Physician

Residence: Tarzana

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.A. in biology, City College of the City University of New York, 1964; medical doctor degree State University of New York at Buffalo, 1968.

Career highlights: Worked for the Public Health Service Hospital in San Francisco researching bone mineral change in astronauts during their time in space, 1968-71; medical residency at UCLA with specialization in diagnostic radiology, 1971-74; private practice since 1974.

Quote: “Our politicians are so enveloped in special interests and in trying to raise millions of dollars that the needs of the common person are not addressed. I’m running to hopefully create an awareness that what the founding fathers meant was to have a government that truly represents us and not just special interests.”

Leo Gallagher

Age: 57

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Comedian

Residence: Agoura

Family: Divorced, two children

Education: B.A. in English, University of South Florida, 1970.

Career highlights: Known simply as Gallagher, has toured United States since early 1980s; known for smashing watermelons and other produce on stage.

Quote: “Anybody can be meat and potatoes; I’m the spice in this election. We’re having fun with it. I’m not going to be elected.”

Gerold Lee Gorman

Age: 42

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Unemployed

Residence: Martinez

Family: Single, no children

Education: B.S. in engineering physics, UC Berkeley, 1995.

Career highlights: Worked most recently as applications developer at a now-defunct dot-com. Ran unsuccessfully for mayor of San Bruno, 1991. Substitute teacher in California public schools 1996-98.


Quote: “Education and public safety -- these are the critical issues. I’m going to try to make good and wise decisions for the people. I will bring creative thinking to government.”

Richard Gosse

Age: 54

Party: Republican

Occupation: Educator, author

Residence: San Rafael

Family: Married, no children

Education: B.S. in government, University of San Francisco, 1970; M.A. in secondary education, San Francisco State, 1977.

Career highlights: Middle school teacher in San Francisco for nine years. Became a full-time advocate for the unmarried in 1980. Author of eight books about life as a single person.

Quote: “ ‘Fairness for singles’ -- that’s my platform. Someone has to stand up for the 34% of the population that is single and neglected by the politicians. Single people pay more taxes than married people. Single people pay a much higher auto insurance rate than married people.”

James H. Green

Age: 50

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Firefighter-paramedic, San Francisco Fire Department; also emergency room nurse, San Mateo County Medical Center.

Residence: San Francisco

Family: Single

Education: B.A. in economics, San Francisco State, 1978; M.S. in nursing, Regents College, University of the State of New York, 1989.


Career highlights: Firefighter since 1997, started as paramedic in 1996. Nurse since 1989. San Francisco police officer 1981-83.

Quote: “I think this recall is a terrible idea; it’s bad for the state economically and socially gives a black eye. I’m voting ‘no’ on the recall. I’m not running for governor, but it is an opportunity to get some focus on [health] issues.”

Jack Loyd Grisham

Age: 42

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Musician, laborer

Residence: Huntington Beach

Family: Married, two children

Education: Attended Long Beach City College.

Career highlights: Lead singer of the group TSOL (True Sounds of Liberty).

Quote: “This is the first time in our lives that anybody off the street could be a public servant without going through the whole political system. One of the things I’d bring to the office is that I still smell like dirt, and that’s real.”

Garrett Gruener

Age: 49

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Venture capitalist

Residence: Oakland

Family: Married, one child

Education: B.A. in political science, UC San Diego, 1976; M.A. in political science, UC Berkeley, 1977.

Career highlights: Joined venture firm Burr, Egan, Deleage & Co. in early 1990s; co-founded venture capitalist firm Alta Partners in 1996; founded the Internet search engine Ask Jeeves; helped finance the Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland.

Quote: “Jobs, jobs, jobs. I will focus relentlessly on creating jobs in every corner of our state. From putting world-class technology in every classroom across the state and investing in growing industries, we can create hundreds of thousands of jobs for Californians.”


Joe Guzzardi

Age: 60

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Adult education teacher and opinion columnist for local newspaper and Internet magazine

Residence: Lodi

Family: Single, one son, two grandchildren

Education: B.A. in English, University of Pittsburgh, 1964.

Career highlights: Investment banker in New York City for 15 years; in banking for two years in Seattle before entering education.

Quote: “I’m running because I’m very disappointed. In the 15 or so years since I returned to California, no politicians have been willing to discuss the impact of illegal immigration on California and the impact of illegal immigration on population growth in California.”

Ivan A. Hall

Age: 42

Party: Green

Occupation: Custom denture manufacturer

Residence: Redding

Family: Married, three children

Education: Attended Indiana University, Purdue University and other institutions.

Career highlights: Five years in the Navy. Helped spearhead opposition to fiberglass factory in Shasta Lake. Co-founded Citizens for Cleaner Air.

Quote: “What I’m sick and tired of is the baloney. Whether you get an actor with no experience or Gray Davis with tons of experience, all we get is a bunch of hoopla.”

Ken Hamidi

Age: 56

Party: Libertarian

Occupation: Compliance officer, California Franchise Tax Board

Residence: Citrus Heights

Family: Married, two daughters

Education: B.S. in engineering and manufacturing technology from National University in Sacramento, 1986; MBA from National University, 1989.


Career highlights: Founded Face Intel, an organization advocating rights of workers in the high-tech industry.

Quote: “I’m running because I believe that we do not have people’s representation. If I become the governor, I believe and I advocate resolving the budget deficit by rebuilding the employment market. I’ll discourage the outsourcing of U.S. jobs and technology.”

Sara Ann Hanlon

Age: 61

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Businesswoman and commercial artist

Residence: La Mirada

Family: Married, two stepchildren

Education: B.A. in graphic design, UCLA, 1964.

Career highlights: Signal Hill city councilwoman 1986-90 and 1992-97. Mayor of Signal Hill, 1989-90 and 1995-96.

Quote: “I’m running because I don’t think the politicians are listening to the people in California.”

C. Stephen Henderson

Age: 35

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Teacher of children with reading disabilities

Residence: Carmel Valley

Family: Married

Education: B.A. in history, 1996, Cal State Sacramento.

Career highlights: Taught in Monterey juvenile offender system, 1998-2000; directed AmeriCorps program at Panetta Institute for Public Policy, 2000-01.

Quote: “This election is serious business -- there are serious issues before the citizens of California. It is not about entertainment for the rest of the country.”


Ralph A. Hernandez

Age: 55

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Inspector, Contra Costa County district attorney’s office.

Residence: Antioch

Family: Married; three sons, two daughters

Education: B.A. in criminal justice, Cal State Sacramento, 1981.

Career highlights: D.A.’s office inspector for 17 years; before that was police officer in Pittsburg, Calif., and Half Moon Bay. Member of Antioch City Council, 1992-95.

Quote: “The state needs a take-charge guy at the top. I am a take-charge kind of guy. I believe the state needs someone to look out for people, [not] for special interests or campaign contributors. I am tight with a dollar, and I believe the state should be [so] with the public’s money.”

John J. ‘Jack’ Hickey

Age: 69

Party: Libertarian

Occupation: Advocate and political activist; retired research scientist

Residence: Emerald Hills

Family: Married, seven children, three grandchildren

Education: High school graduate.

Career highlights: U.S. Navy, 1953-57; semiconductor industry researcher for Hugle Industries, now Unicorp; holds 28 patents for high-speed electro-optics; founder of Political Advocacy Watch.

Quote: “My chances of winning are about the same as the chances the people who started the recall had of getting it on the ballot. No one thought they could do it either.”

Jim Hoffmann

Age: 39

Party: Republican

Occupation: High school social studies teacher

Residence: Hesperia

Family: Married; two daughters, one stepdaughter

Education: B.A. in history and German, Eastern Illinois University, 1986; M.A. in education, Northern Illinois University, 1990.

Career highlights: Teacher at Hesperia High School; taught social studies at Manteca High School until June. Ran unsuccessfully for Manteca City Council in 1999. Taught in Chicago until 1995, then moved to California.


Quote: “When I signed the petition, I never thought I’d run. But I thought, ‘Why not?’ I can’t do any worse than they’re doing. And I teach government, so it’s a logical leap.”

Arianna Huffington

Age: 53

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Syndicated political columnist and author

Residence: Los Angeles

Family: Divorced from former Republican congressman Michael Huffington, with whom she had two children

Education: M.A. in economics, Cambridge University, England, 1971.

Career highlights: Has written several books on politics, society and culture. During the 1996 presidential campaign, she anchored political coverage for Comedy Central, along with comedian Al Franken. Established the Detroit Project in 2002 to promote energy-saving hybrid automobile technology.

Quote: “We’ll never clean up the mess we’re in if we keep electing the same politicians -- backed by the same special interests -- who got us into this mess in the first place. It’s not enough to change governors; we have to change the way we govern.”

Saad Issa

Age: 46

Party: Republican

Occupation: Engineer

Residence: Arcadia

Family: Married, three children

Education: B.S., civil engineering, USC, 1984

Quote: “California has grown by 11 million people in the last 20 years, while our infrastructure is collapsing.... Our government needs to get Washington involved, so the federal government can take more of its responsibility to pay for the cost of granting services to immigrants, paying for the cost of homeland security.”

Michael Jackson

Age: 39

Party: Republican

Occupation: Satellite project manager

Residence: Long Beach

Family: Married, two children

Education: A.S., Citrus Community College, 1994; B.S., electrical engineering, UCLA, 1996.

Career highlights: Served in Navy as nuclear power plant engineer and on submarines, 1982-91.


Quote: “Schools start off the whole chain of events. They don’t instill any discipline in the kids, and they grow into adults with no discipline. We don’t care what our politicians are doing in Sacramento. No one is taking responsibility for their community anymore.”

Trek Thunder Kelly

Age: 33

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Artist, owner of Venice logo button business

Residence: Venice Beach

Family: Single

Education: B.A. in international economics and history, UCLA, 1992.

Career highlights: Student body president, La Cueva High School, Albuquerque, N.M., 1988; former volunteer, Exceptional Children’s Foundation, Los Angeles; former marketer, Columbia Pictures; and former valet parker, bartender and server.

Quote: “I’m approaching this campaign as an elaborate performance art piece. If they elect me, the people could be electing a piece of art to run the sixth-largest economy in the world.”

Edward T. Kennedy

Age: 49

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: Weaverville

Family: Divorced

Education: B.S., political science, Allentown College of St. Francis de Sales, 1975; MBA, University of Notre Dame, 1977.

Career highlights: Small-business and sales consultant in Bay Area since early 1980s.

Quote: “The purpose of government is to get you born healthy, educated, to live securely and to die with integrity. The current team is striking out on all of these. They are greedy people doing the work of special interests with no oversight.”

David E. Kessinger

Age: 61

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Paralegal

Residence: Riverside

Education: B.A., accounting, Riverside University (now defunct), 1969; attended California Southern Law School, 1970-73.


Career highlights: Served on Riverside County Democratic Central Committee in 1980s. Convicted of misdemeanor battery on Sept. 15 in Riverside County.

Quote: “I’m good at balancing the budget. I live relatively comfortably on $10,000 a year. I know how to tear into a budget and see what’s there, what’s fluff and if it’s really meaningfu.”

Kelly P. Kimball

Age: 45

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Marketing executive

Residence: Tarzana

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.S. in political science, Eastern Kentucky University, 1979.

Career highlights: Ran a political strategy consulting and petition-gathering firm; helped run the first democratic elections in Slovakia after the fall of communism. Started a dot-com company; sold it in 2000. Started Primate Partners in 2003 to market a niche beer brand.

Quote: “There are people who really care about issues out there, but we’re not out here to be serious. We’re trying to have fun. We’re marketing a beer here.”

Stephen L. Knapp

Age: 31

Party: Republican

Occupation: Laser engineer

Residence: Los Gatos

Family: Married

Education: B.S. in physics, University of the South, Tennessee, 1994.

Career highlights: Peace Corps volunteer in Fiji, 1994-96, teaching science and math; works on developing ultraviolet laser technology for use in cell phones and other devices.

Quote: “Californians are disappointed with the $38-billion deficit, and I’m calling for common sense and fiscal responsibility. I don’t run my household in deficit, and the state shouldn’t do it either.”


Eric J. Korevaar

Age: 44

Party: Democrat

Occupation: High technology consultant

Residence: La Jolla

Family: Married, one child

Education: B.S. in physics, Caltech 1981; doctorate in engineering, Princeton University, 1987.

Career highlights: Founded AstroTerra Corp. in 1992, developing optical wireless communications; sold company in 2000. Currently president and owner of the Science Artist consulting services.

Quote: “I felt strongly that this whole recall effort was wrong because it was basically paid for by very specific political purposes, rather than coming about because the government had done something wrong.”

Jerry Kunzman

Age: 39

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Chief executive of the National Auto Sport Assn.

Residence: Richmond

Family: Divorced

Education: Attended UC Berkeley

Career highlights: Founded Innovative Solutions, a Bay Area networking community; helped build and design call center for a subsidiary of Sprint; chief executive of National Auto Sport Assn. since 1998.

Quote: “I don’t think partisanship works toward solving issues. I think I can solve a lot of the problems in California. I just looked at the candidates and thought I could do a better job. I wouldn’t live in the governor’s mansion, I would drive myself around. We’re going to make cutbacks, and those would start with me.”

Dick Lane

Age: 65

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Psychology professor, San Jose State

Residence: Sunnyvale

Family: Divorced; seven children, five grandchildren

Education: A.A., East L.A. Community College, 1959; B.A. in government, Cal State Los Angeles, 1961; M.A. in government, Cal State Los Angeles, 1969; doctorate in international relations, USC, 1975.


Career highlights: Congressional candidate, 15th District (Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties), 1998 and 1996; four years on state Democratic Party Central Committee; member of Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties’ central committees; worked on at least a dozen political campaigns.

Quote: “If the Republicans take over the government, the Democratic Legislature’s not gonna give them the time of day for three years. What you’ll have is stagnation and both parties coming out with black eyes because they won’t be able to address any real issues.”

Gary Leonard

Age: 52

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Freelance photographer

Residence: Los Angeles

Family: Single, two children

Education: B.A. in motion picture and TV production, UCLA, 1973.

Career highlights: Freelance photographer since 1972.

Quote: “I’m running because I can. This is history and I wanted to be part of it. I’m serious about doing this, but I’m not serious about winning. I don’t think there will be another opportunity to do this and I just couldn’t pass it up.”

Todd Richard ‘The Bumhunter’ Lewis

Age: 27

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Film producer, performer, businessman

Residence: West Hollywood

Family: Single

Career highlights: Appeared as “The Bum Hunter” in 2001 movie “Bumfights,” which depicted homeless people fighting one another. Recently released his own film, “The Bum Hunter.”

Quote: “People are going to know the Bum Hunter is doing this, and hopefully it will get the young demographic to go out there, support me, register to vote, and be involved in future elections. And it will draw attention to the homeless people; no one realizes how many people are out there.”

Calvin Y. Louie

Age: 54

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Certified public accountant

Residence: San Francisco

Family: Married

Education: B.S. in accounting, UC Berkeley, 1971; working on master’s degree at Golden Gate University.


Career highlights: Accountant since 1971, CPA since 1980. Has served on a number of commissions, including the San Francisco Human Rights Commission in the late 1990s.

Quote: “I guess I took out my papers way before [Cruz] Bustamante

Frank A. Macaluso Jr.

Age: 44

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Radiologist

Residence: Visalia

Family: Married, three children

Education: B.S. in chemical engineering, University of New Mexico, 1981; medical doctor degree, University of New Mexico, 1985.

Career highlights: Variety of positions in oil and gas industry. One year medical training at Veterans Hospital in Fresno, 1985. Now head of radiology at the Kaweah Delta Hospital in Visalia.

Quote: “California Democrats need a financially conservative governor that would control spending and promote a business-friendly environment in our state without sacrificing education, health care and transportation. I feel that I am one of the most well-qualified in that field.”

Paul ‘Chip’ Mailander

Age: 37

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Golf professional

Residence: San Diego

Family: Married

Education: High school, Omaha

Career highlights: Navy for eight years. Now manages a golf shop in Rancho Santa Fe; also teaches golf.

Quote: “One of our members came in ... and said that of all the people, I should run. He said I was a great person and would make a great governor. I’d have to look at the fiscal crisis, then chip away at it, as they say in golf.”


Robert C. Mannheim

Age: 55

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Retired businessman, accountant and attorney.

Residence: Agoura Hills

Family: Married, three children

Education: B.A. in economics, UCLA, 1969; law degree, Southwestern University, 1974.

Career highlights: Worked at Arthur Andersen accounting firm 1969-72; became a CPA in 1972. Passed California bar exam, 1974. Manager at a Beverly Hills accounting firm 1979-85; retired in 1986.

Quote: “When I first heard it would take 65 signatures and $3,500

Bruce Margolin

Age: 61

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Criminal defense attorney and director, National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

Residence: Beverly Hills

Family: Single, three children

Education: Graduate, Valley Community College, 1962; law degree, Southwestern University, 1967.

Career highlights: Represented Timothy Leary; has promoted reform of marijuana laws for three decades.

Quote: “I strongly feel marijuana laws must be legalized. All drug laws have to be looked at. It’s a complete waste of taxpayers’ dollars, and the prison system is out of control.”

Paul Mariano

Age: 56

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Public defender

Residence: Martinez

Family: Single, one child

Education: B.A. in political science, Cal State Sacramento, 1973; law degree, Hastings College of the Law, 1976.


Career highlights: Trial attorney with Contra Costa County’s public defender’s office since 1977.

Quote: “I’m running because I’m opposed to the recall process. If elected, I would institute Gray Davis as my chief of staff. That would make him the de facto governor of California, the position to which he was duly elected.”

Gino Martorana

Age: 56

Party: Republican

Occupation: Restaurant owner

Residence: Kingsburg

Family: Married; three children, one grandchild

Education: No formal education; dropped out of 10th grade to work as a barber.

Career highlights: Owner of Gino’s Italian Eatery since 1993.

Quote: “Business is my thing. The state is complaining we don’t have any money, but they are involved in so many things that hinder business. They need to get out of the way.”

Mike McCarthy

Age: 44

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Used car dealer

Education: Attended Cuesta College

Family: Married, one son

Residence: Pismo Beach

Career highlights: Owns McCarthy Wholesale chain of used car dealerships in San Luis Obispo and Arroyo Grande. Established a sober graduation program five years ago that gives a free car each year to one graduating high school senior who vows to stay sober. Active in the Central Coast History Foundation.

Quote: “The answers to all difficult problems are not where we seek them. It’s a bigger budget, but as a businessman, I deal with problems and have to have creative solutions.”

Robert McClain

Age: 38

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Civil engineer

Residence: Oakland

Family: Married

Education: B.S. in civil engineering, UC Berkeley, 1986; M.S. in civil engineering, UC Berkeley, 1988; MBA, UCLA, 1993.


Career highlights: Project manager for Port of Oakland

Quote: “I know that my chances are between slim and none, but I believe I can do a better job that the people who are there now, and I can do a better job than the current Republican front-runner.”

Dennis D. McMahon

Age: 58

Party: Republican

Occupation: Banker

Residence: San Francisco

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.A. in philosophy, 1966, Creighton University in Omaha; MBA , Golden Gate University, San Francisco, 1978.

Career highlights: Banker for 30 years, mainly in equipment-lease financing and consumer lending.

Quote: “This is a drastic situation and the central theme of my campaign is a tax revolution. As a conservative Republican, I will strive to balance the budget by reducing spending wherever possible.”

Mike McNeilly

Party: Republican

Occupation: Mural artist

Residence: Beverly Hills

Scott A. Mednick

Age: 47

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Business executive

Residence: Calabasas

Family: Married, three children

Education: BFA, Rhode Island School of Design, 1978; M.A. in applied psychology, University of Santa Monica, 1996.

Career highlights: Founded the Mednick Group, an independent design company, in the 1980s. Became president and chief executive of Mandalay Branded Entertainment, a division of Mandalay Entertainment, in 2002. Now a partner in Primate Partners, which is launching a beer brand targeted at young men.


Quote: “Since the circus had already begun, as marketers we thought it was a great opportunity to at least expose our brand name to people. But more important than that, we believe any system that allows for this to happen is broken and the system needs to be reformed.”

Carl A. Mehr

Age: 70

Party: Republican

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: San Diego

Family: Married, four children, eight grandchildren

Education: B.S. in electrical engineering, Iowa State University, 1961; M.S. in electrical engineering, University of Santa Clara, 1965.

Career highlights: Served in the Army 1953-56. Worked at IBM in mid-1950s on prototype computers and on Apollo spacecraft at General Dynamics in 1960s. Ran unsuccessfully for Lemon Grove City Council in 1982.

Quote: “Businesses have to live within their means or go bankrupt. The state should have to do the same, but they think they can just keep taxing us. Well, they’ve got another think coming. You have to look at the complaints that businesses have in California.”

Jonathan Miller

Age: 41

Party: Democrat

Occupation: President of Diamond Systems, which sells industrial computers.

Residence: San Mateo

Family: Single

Education: B.S. in computer science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1984.

Career highlights: Started Diamond Systems 14 years ago.

Quote: “California needs a long-term plan for resource independence, specifically electricity and water, so that we can ensure continued economic prosperity and social progress.”

Darryl L. Mobley

Age: 46

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Magazine publisher

Residence: Danville

Family: Married, three children

Education: B.S. in mechanical engineering, West Point, 1978; MBA, Webster University in Missouri, 1979.


Career highlights: Captain in the Army Military Intelligence Corps, 1978-83; worked for Procter & Gamble, 1983-91; founded Family Digest magazine, 1996.

Quote: “It’s time for folks who can get the job done to step forward. People have no hope, no chance to move up, and we need solutions.”

Jeffrey L. Mock

Age: 50

Party: Republican

Occupation: Co-owns a family-run, 21-employee aluminum recycling factory

Residence: Rancho Palos Verdes

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.S., zoology, Oregon State University, 1975

Career highlights: Worked for one year in 1975 at the U.S. Department of Agriculture on a task force to eradicate California outbreak of exotic Newcastle disease in poultry, before joining family business; board member of three industry associations, including the American Foundry Assn.

Quote: “Productive businesses are the foundation of all prosperity for California.... Finally we have some ordinary people like me who are going to get this issue out in front of the legislators.”

John ‘Jack’ Mortensen

Age: 44

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Painting contractor

Residence: Folsom

Family: Married, three children

Education: Attended San Jose City College for one day.

Career highlights: Opened his own painting business in 1984.

Quote: “I have the right to stand up. I’m going to stand up, and I’m going to see if the people of California feel the same way I do.”

Dorene Musilli

Age: 68

Party: Republican

Occupation: Retired businesswoman

Residence: Sonoma

Family: Married, four children

Education: Attended San Rosa Junior College.

Career highlights: For 25 years owned and operated several businesses, including an auto repair shop and a bed and breakfast. Member of the Sonoma County School Board of Education for 17 years.


Quote: “I know what it takes to run a business. As owner and manager of businesses employing hundreds of Californians, I have met the challenges and reaped the benefits of operating businesses in California.”

Paul Nave

Age: 42

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Investor

Residence: San Anselmo

Family: Married, two children

Education: San Rafael High School, 1979; attended San Francisco State in 1979.

Career highlights: Owns industrial supply company. Candidate for Assembly’s 6th District in 2000.

Quote: “I would use the power of executive order to cut as much government bureaucracy as possible.”

Robert C. Newman II

Age: 59

Party: Republican

Occupation: Lilac farmer, retired psychologist

Residence: Redlands

Family: Married, two children, two grandchildren

Education: B.A. in chemistry, San Diego State, 1968; master’s in research and theoretical psychology, San Diego State, 1970; doctorate in psychology, California School of Professional Psychology in San Diego, 1975.

Career highlights: Psychologist specializing in child psychology and post-traumatic stress disorder, 1976-95; former director of San Bernardino County Health Department’s child and adolescent day treatment program.

Quote: “When I was seeking the Lord’s direction and guidance in how I could prepare [for being governor], the Lord responded, ‘Read my word.’ People must seek God’s direction in their lives.”


Leonard Padilla

Age: 64

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Bounty hunter; founder and president, Lorenzo Patino School of Law at the University of Northern California

Residence: Sacramento

Family: Divorced, four children, one stepchild

Education: Air Force service in North Africa and Europe, 1957-63; law degree, Lincoln Law School, 1980.

Career highlights: Bounty hunter since 1975. Co-founded Lorenzo Patino Law School.

Quote: “We have elected professional politicians and bureaucrats to run the state, and that’s how we got into the mess that ... Californians are in.”

Ronald Jason Palmieri

Age: 53

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Attorney; president of Joe Blasco Cosmetics International.

Residence: Bel-Air

Family: Single

Education: B.A. in speech and political science, USC (valedictorian) 1972; attended Georgetown University; law degree from University of San Fernando Valley School of Law, 1980.

Career highlights: Represented several stars, including Cary Grant and Zsa Zsa Gabor; last year won $20-million verdict in Internet fraud case in U.S. District Court.

Quote: “I’m running to urge voters to vote no against the recall. I urge voters not to waste their vote on me but to vote for the best Democratic candidate, who would support a woman’s right to choose and anti-hate-crime legislation and would vote against a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.”


Gregory J. Pawlik

Age: 56

Party: Republican

Occupation: Residential and commercial Realtor.

Residence: Pacific Palisades

Family: Divorced, three children

Education: B.A. in marketing, 1975, University of Texas

Career highlights: Two-time president, Los Angeles Assn. of Realtors; member, Pacific Palisades Chamber of Commerce and Palisades Pride, group that keeps up community’s commercial areas; defensive tackle, UCLA football team, 1965-67.

Quote: “This is to get my feet wet. It’s not something you go into with visions of grandeur. This is to see if I want to run in a local campaign -- and so I can be part of an experience that can only happen in America.”

Heather Peters

Age: 37

Party: Republican

Occupation: Mediator

Residence: Santa Monica

Family: Married

Education: B.A. in business administration, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., 1987; law degree, Southwestern University School of Law, 1990.

Career highlights: Founded a mediation business in 2002; volunteers at Los Angeles County Superior Court. Practiced business law for 10 years at Barger & Wolen.

Quote: “I’m a centrist who wants to get the message out that the recall is not a ‘vast right-wing conspiracy’ or some elaborate payback scheme for what happened in Florida. I’m running to take the politics out of government and return the power to the people.”

Charles Pineda Jr.

Age: 63

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Retired criminal justice administrator

Residence: Sacramento

Family: Married, two children.

Education: A.A., social sciences with emphasis on police administration, East Los Angeles College, 1962; B.A., sociology and psychology, Azusa Pacific University, 1964; criminal justice fellowship, Harvard University, 1972-73.


Career highlights: Enlisted in the U.S. Army and served as a topographical surveyor; California Youth Authority, 1965-82; served on various parole boards;

Quote: “I’m kind of like the Spartacus of the Democratic Party. I am an independent thinker and I represent the interests of the regular people.”

Bill Prady

Age: 43

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Television writer and producer

Family: Married, one child

Residence: Encino

Education: High school diploma, Cranbrook School, Bloomfield Hills, Mich., 1977.

Career highlights: Executive producer of NBC’s “Good Morning, Miami” and ABC’s “Dharma & Greg”; writer and producer, HBO’s “Dream On”; Emmy nomination, 1990, for “The Muppets Celebrate Jim Henson”; in-house writer for Jim Henson Productions, 1986-90; wrote “MuppetVision 3-D,” which plays in Disney theme parks.

Quote: “With my TV background, if things go bad, I’m willing to ask the lieutenant governor to resign and ask Don Knotts to step in as the wacky lieutenant governor.”

Darin Price

Age: 40

Party: Natural Law

Occupation: Lecturer in chemistry, Humboldt State.

Residence: McKinleyville

Family: Married

Education: B.A. in chemistry, math and physical science, Humboldt State, 1987.

Career highlights: Fifteen years teaching at high school and college level. Student government officer from elementary school through Humboldt State.

Quote: “I ran because no one from Northern California is running. To most people, the state stops at San Francisco. Everyone but one person [who signed my petition] changed their political affiliation to Natural Law to get me on the ballot here. People want to take our natural resources and ignore our issues, like timber, water, fish and agriculture.”


Bryan Quinn

Age: 20

Party: Republican

Occupation: Student, University of the Pacific

Residence: Los Gatos

Family: Single

Career highlights: Clerk at father’s high-tech firm. Has been a car salesman.

Quote: “It doesn’t matter where a great idea comes from.... If it can save the state billions of dollars, I’m all for it. The state should be run like a business, and any business that is losing that much money should file for bankruptcy.”

Jeff Rainforth

Age: 35

Residence: Sacramento

Party: Filed as nonpartisan but registered as a member of the Reform Party.

Occupation: Market coordinator for Best Buy’s district office in Sacramento.

Family: Single

Education: Spent two years studying political science at Santa Rosa Junior College in 1998-2000.

Career highlights: Ran for Congress in California 6th District in 2002 as a Reform Party candidate. Chairman of the board of the Reform Party of California.

Quote: “Our message, which has been the same for the last 10 years, is fiscal responsibility and political accountability. We’re primarily interested in the financial well-being of the United States and keeping American jobs in the U.S.”

Daniel C. Ramirez

Age: 59

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Entrepreneur

Residence: Calexico

Family: Married, two children

Education: High school graduate; studied at UC San Diego to be a deacon, 1987-89.

Career highlights: U.S. Marine Corps, 1964-69; founded San Diego Auto Mart, which refurbishes and exports used school buses to Mexico.

Quote: “The whole idea with this is to wake up the sleeping giant in California, which is the 15 million pro-life Democratic, Hispanic voters. If we can do that, we have succeeded.”


Christopher Ranken

Age: 44

Party: Democrat

Residence: Pacifica

Family: Single

Occupation: Engineering consultant on planning and architecture design; member of Pacifica Planning Commission

Education: B.A., philosophy and environmental studies, UC Berkeley, 1984; M.S., civil engineering, UC Berkeley, 1985; M.S., city planning, UC Berkeley, 1995

Career highlights: Works with Indian reservations and private homeowners on architecture and planning issues; member of Pacifica Planning Commission for five years

Quote: “My challenge is to say that the recall provision is a subversion of democracy. It allows a candidate who is less popular to win ... and that seems fundamentally undemocratic to me.”

Reva Renee Renz

Age: 36

Party: Republican

Occupation: Cocktail lounge owner

Residence: Santa Ana

Family: Single

Education: Attended Cypress Community College

Career highlights: Owner for five years of an Orange County lounge; stockbroker in mid-1990s, as well as an amateur bikini model.

Quote: “This is the first and probably the last time in my life that I’ll be able to run for office. I think we need an inexperienced nonpolitician in office.”


Daniel W. Richards

Age: 51

Party: Republican

Occupation: Owner-broker of a real estate brokerage firm

Residence: Upland

Family: Married, one child

Education: B.S., journalism, West Virginia University, 1974

Career highlights: President of Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce, 1995-96; member of the Republican Central Committee for San Bernardino County; member of the San Bernardino County Fish and Game Commission

Quote: “Of the 135 candidates, some are going to vote for the porn star, some are going to vote for Larry Flynt, some for the marijuana guy. And that’s a good thing. If this gets people involved -- people who were so frustrated last time -- that’s good.”

Kevin Richter

Age: 29

Party: Republican

Occupation: Information technology manager

Residence: Manteca

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.S. in material engineering, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, 1997.

Career highlights: Now in information technology group staffing organization; began Web site in July.

Quote: “My primary experience is 29 years of breathing. I’m also known for my frugality. Just use some common sense.”

Kurt E. “Tachikaze” Rightmyer

Age: 39

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Middleweight sumo wrestler (188-255 pounds)

Residence: West Covina

Family: Married, one child

Education: B.A. in English, UCLA.

Career highlights: Middleweight points leader, 2003 California Sumo Series; nominated in 2001 for a poetry Pushcart Prize, which honors literary work published in small magazines; taught English in Japan for two years with Japan Exchange and Teaching Program

Quote: “Sumo is a very quick, fast, brutal contest. It requires a great deal of concentration and a razor-sharp mind. It’s perfect training, because everything in this state is in turmoil, and it’s hard for people to get a grip on it.”


David ‘Laughing Horse’ Robinson

Age: 48

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Sculptor, art instructor, tribal chairman

Residence: Bakersfield

Family: Married, two children, two grandchildren

Education: Attending Cal State Bakersfield.

Career highlights: Elected chairman of Kawaiisu Tribe in 1997 and reelected in 2002; art technician at Cal State Bakersfield for five years.

Quote: “I saw our budget for the Cal State system and we’re going to get one-third of last year’s budget and they are raising tuition. That just made me sick. There is no excuse for the richest state in the country to be broke. I can straighten things out.”

Ned F. Roscoe

Age: 42

Party: Libertarian

Occupation: President of family-owned national discount cigarette chain

Residence: Napa

Family: Married, three children

Education: B.A. in economics, University of Chicago, 1982.

Career highlights: Family has been in the grocery business since 1957. In 1990s, began specializing in discount cigarettes. More than 300 stores in 20 states, including 150 in California. Sponsored Proposition 28, an unsuccessful attempt to repeal the cigarette tax in
