
Air America Has Lots to Talk About

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Re “Liberals on Talk Radio? Don’t Make Us Laugh,” Commentary, March 31: If Richard Viguerie and David Franke aren’t worried about Al Franken and the new Air America network, then why the article? I believe this nation in general, and the conservatives in particular, are in for a rude awakening.

Speculation about Howard Stern and satellite radio? Forget it! It will be Howard Stern anchoring Air America before long, and after he and Al Franken are done “unelecting” President Bush, it will be open season on the Republican senators, representatives, governors, state senators and assembly members, mayors, city councils, supervisors.... Did I leave anyone out? This network is going to be busy for a long time.

Mark Skurnik

Rancho Santa Margarita


Wednesday, some skulking, devious person in my proudly Republican household tuned the radio to Air America’s first broadcast. I’m sure it was my husband, who was grumbling about having to take out the garbage, or something. I don’t think I’ve ever heard such drivel in my life, short of anything emanating from my teenage daughter’s speakers.


To be fair, I did listen long enough to hear an interview with Ralph Nader that, aside from being less than informative or even entertaining, escalated into a screaming match between Nader and the host. I think Nader got it right on the money when he declined to be further abused on “Hot Air America.”

Democrats, take a hint from the enemy:

Offering up a “Bash Bush” station way down at the end of the dial and staffing it with obnoxious, unfunny, don’t-confuse-me-with-the-facts on-air personalities like Randi Rhodes, Janeane Garofalo and -- God help us -- Franken are no way to win the undecided voter to your side.

Rather than appearing righteously indignant, it proves that the left is just plain crabby.

Lisa Silva-Pugliese

San Pedro


Note to Viguerie and Franke: Relax. No need to be concerned about Franken’s newest effort. His column was much, much funnier than yours. I think he’ll do just fine.


Susan McTigue

Manhattan Beach
