
Honey may boost the levels of antioxidants

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Honey could have “sweet health benefits.” That’s the conclusion drawn by a group of five researchers from UC Davis and one from Konju University in South Korea, who conducted a small, nearly monthlong study evaluating the effects of daily consumption of honey on 25 participants.

They found a direct link between honey consumption and the levels of polyphenolic antioxidants in the plasma, which are said to help reduce risk of heart disease and some cancers.

The study participants at UC Davis ate their normal diets for the 29 days of the study, but also consumed four tablespoons each of buckwheat honey.


The volunteers were divided into two groups: the honey given to one group contained more polyphenols -- which are compounds found in fruits, vegetables and seeds -- than the honey given to the other group.

Blood tests done at regular intervals revealed that those in the group that ate the honey with more polyphenolics also had even more polyphenols in their plasma.

The findings were presented at the American Chemical Society’s annual meeting in Anaheim last week.


-- Valerie Reitman
