
Mosque Is Bombed; Exit Strategy Is MIA

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Re “U.S. Bombs Mosque in Fallouja,” April 8: How horrifying! If an enemy with 100,000 times more firepower swarmed to infiltrate our borders and began killing our families in our churches, mosques and temples and our homes (also called “collateral damage”), most assuredly we would respond as individuals and en masse.

Now is the time for the U.S. Department of Defense to have its euphemistic name returned to Department of War, as it was named prior to 1949. Or more appropriately, the Department of Offense.

Ann Zumwinkle

Los Angeles


What a sense of deja vu in watching the news these days. Switch Robert McNamara for Donald Rumsfeld and everything else is the same: maps and claims that everything is under control, it isn’t as bad as it looks, and we will stay the course. Too bad the integrity that motivates our servicemen and women isn’t matched by their so-called leadership in Washington.


The lack of strategic vision and any viable exit strategy on the part of the armchair warriors in the administration is being paid for in the blood of dedicated career soldiers and hundreds of young Americans whose trust in their leadership has been tragically violated. We are flying in the face of lessons we so painfully learned a generation ago and draining away precious lives and billions of dollars needed at home. The people who wear our country’s uniform are bound by the oath they swore -- to do as directed -- but they deserve far better than they are getting.

John Lorelli



Over 600 Americans have died in Iraq ... for what? The Iraqis have proved that we aren’t wanted. And no wonder: We killed tens of thousands of them. And Sen. John Kerry doesn’t have the moral fiber or courage to say that we should get out either. Neither he nor GWB deserves the presidency.

Paul D. Blumstein

Rancho Palos Verdes
