
‘Weird Al’ Yankovic’s Parents Die

From Associated Press

The parents of Grammy-winning recording artist “Weird Al” Yankovic were found dead in their home, apparent victims of carbon monoxide poisoning, officials said.

The bodies of Nick Yankovic, 86, and his wife, Mary, 81, were discovered about 1 p.m. Friday by members of the family, said Sheriff’s Sgt. Conrad Grayson, a fire investigator.

The relatives went to the house because they had not seen the couple in a while and were concerned.


Paramedics found Nick Yankovic in a chair in the front living room. His wife was lying on the bathroom floor.

A fire had been recently set in a fireplace, Grayson said.

“The house was full of smoke when they opened the door,” he said. “We examined the fireplace. They were burning wood.” The relatives “had found the flue closed; they opened it.”

Attempts to reach “Weird Al” Yankovic, 44, by telephone Saturday through his agency, the William Morris Agency, were unsuccessful.


He was scheduled to appear Monday in Grand Forks, N.D., as part of a tour for his new album.

A neighbor of the parents described them as nice people who were proud of their son’s accomplishments.

“Everybody who came to the neighborhood knew Nick,” said John Buehman, who lives across the street. “They’re going to be missed, big time.”
