
Parents Need Truth About Vaccinations

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Re “Truth Left Out of Vaccine,” editorial, April 8: Withholding from parents valid information that may affect their children is not only stupid and unethical, it’s counterproductive to public health. No wonder parents look to alternative and often misleading sources for data on vaccine safety. This may be one reason why parents are increasingly requesting exemptions from mandatory childhood vaccinations.

If the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is really interested in disease control and prevention, it should tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Parents, their children and the public deserve no less.

Eric L. Hurwitz

Assistant Prof. in Residence

UCLA School

of Public Health


My daughter works with autistic children. She finds enough anecdotal evidence pointing to thimerosal to at least consider it causative. Eliminating it from vaccines could establish the validity of the speculation that it causes or contributes to autism. If autism rates continue to climb without this preservative, then we can move on to another cause.


Isn’t it interesting that thimerosal was removed from animal vaccines several years ago? Don’t we owe our children the same precautions?

Kathy Kuczynski

El Toro
