
Eastside huevos worth considering

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You devoted a full page to the “search for the perfect Mexican breakfast” (“Seeking Boffo Huevos,” April 7) and once again displayed bias against the Eastside of our city.

With respect to the fine establishments mentioned in the article, and especially to Angel Guzman, who is a fine chef, your writers should be ashamed of themselves for not venturing any farther east than Echo Park to visit any of the outstanding restaurants in Boyle Heights that, for years, have served truly fine breakfasts. El Tapeyac on Evergreen Street is nationally respected for extraordinary machaca con huevos, and El Rinconcito Del Mar on 1st Street for atmosphere, cordiality and superb chorizo and huevos.

Impromptu mariachi music accompanies as high end a Mexican breakfast as you can find at La Parrilla Restaurant on Cesar Chavez Avenue; for half the price, Ciros Restaurant on Evergreen will set before your experts unforgettable flautas and huevos.


If your Mexican breakfast monitors give me a call, I will ask the Hollenbeck Division captain of the LAPD to arrange parking for them at the division and we can all walk across the street to Los Antijios restaurant for the wonderful huevos rancheros. Should your intrepid connoisseurs wish to apologize for their geographic limitations, I will ask the councilman for the 14th District, Antonio Villaraigosa, to come downstairs from his office above the restaurant and accept their praise of Boyle Heights’ breakfast excellence with a handshake.

Mike McClure

Board of Directors

Boyle Heights Chamber

of Commerce


Your Silver Lake mex’breakfast buddies didn’t even come close. The epicenter of authentic huevos de Los Angeles is miles east and so Olvera obvious you could take a train or subway to it -- but I’m not talkin’, I’m ordering, and not from a spectacularly hip Silver Lake waitress, no way, amigos.

Too hip ruins the huevos every time.

Jerry Collamer

San Clemente
