
NFL Draft Preview -- Offense

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Research by ROY JURGENS


*--* Player School Ht Wt Comment (projec ted round) Eli Manning Mississippi 6-4 218 Prototy pe NFL pocket passer, smart, great arm, great bloodli nes. (1) Ben Roethlisberger Miami (Ohio) 6-5 242 Patient leader with accurac y and touch, big enough to see over linemen . (1) Philip Rivers North Carolina State 6-4 226 Winner in four bowl games, named MVP of the Senior Bowl. (1) J.P. Losman Tulane 6-2 217 Perhaps the best pure athlete in this quarter back class. Sometim es reckles s. (2) Matt Schaub Virginia 6-5 237 Poised passer suited for a West Coast-t ype offense . Must learn to look off defende rs. (3) SNEAKING UP Josh Harris Bowling Green 6-1 238 Prolifi c passer with the playmak ing ability of a running back. (4) Luke McCown Louisiana Tech 6-4 210 Brother of Cardina l QB Josh McCown, throws well on run. (4) John Navarre Michigan 6-6 246 Like former Wolveri ne Tom Brady, a leader. Must improve speed, release . (5) TOP RUNNING BACK PROSPECTS Player School Ht Wt Comment (projec ted round) Steven Jackson Oregon State 6-2 240 Punishi ng runner with a lot of speed. (1) Kevin Jones Virginia Tech 5-11 221 Discipl ined, durable runner, great cutback ability . (1) Chris Perry Michigan 6-0 224 Not very elusive , but always seems to get the extra yard. (2) Greg Jones Florida State 6-1 250 Bowling ball-ty pe rusher, quick feet for a big man. (2) Mewelde Moore Tulane 5-10 205 Hits the hole with great quickne ss, also an excelle nt receive r. (3) SNEAKING UP Julius Jones Notre Dame 5-10 217 Has yet to fulfill his promise . Could excel under the right coachin g. (3) Michael Turner Northern Illinois 5-10 237 Prototy pe I back, product ive inside and outside , outplay ed his competi tion. (3) Tatum Bell Oklahoma State 5-11 212 Not the fastest in the draft. Must learn to follow blocker s. (3) TOP FULLBACK PROSPECTS Player School Ht Wt Comment (projec ted round) Lousaka Polite Pittsburgh 5-11 243 Powerfu l runner and blocker . An old-sch ool fullbac k. (3) Travis Wilson Kansas State 6-3 243 Not afraid to throw his body into the line. (4) Thomas Tapeh Minnesota 6-1 245 Big, north/s outh-ty pe runner. (4) Mike Karney Arizona State 5-11 254 Seems to enjoy doing the dirty work. (4) Doug Easlick Virginia Tech 5-11 238 Low to the ground, a smart player who reads the blitz well. (5) TOP WIDE RECEIVER PROSPECTS Player School Ht Wt Comment (projec ted round) Larry Fitzgerald Pittsburgh 6-2 223 Quarter back’s best friend; great hands, body control and size. (1) Roy Williams Texas 6-2 212 Does a very good job of adjusti ng to coverag e. Sure hands and strong off the line. (1) Michael Clayton Louisiana State 6-3 197 Terrifi c at creatin g space between himself and corners . (1) Rashaun Woods Oklahoma State 6-2 202 Dependa ble, experie nced and mature. Works hard to make the most of his ability . (2) Reggie Williams Washington 6-3 223 Tall target, must improve work ethic for success at the next level. (2) SNEAKING UP Lee Evans Wisconsin 5-10 197 Knows how to find seams in seconda ry. Injurie s have limited his product ivity. (2) Michael Jenkins Ohio State 6-4 217 Good athlete who is still working to become a polishe d receive r. (2) Keary Colbert USC 5-10 193 Could make an outstan ding No. 2 receive r. Is fearles s on crossin g routes. (3) TOP TIGHT END PROSPECTS Player School Ht Wt Comment (projec ted round) Kellen Winslow Jr. Miami 6-4 243 Skilled player who must learn to keep emotion s in check. (1) Ben Troupe Florida 6-4 262 Great over the middle, has upfield burst. Not a strong blocker . (2) Ben Watson Georgia 6-3 253 Fluid receive r with sure hands, very coachab le. Needs mean streak. (2) Kris Wilson Pittsburgh 6-1 246 Plays like a big wide receive r, great hands and speed. (3) Jason Peters Arkansas 6-4 324 Huge, yet surpris ingly quick. Could be extra tackle in some formati ons. (4) TOP TACKLE PROSPECTS Player School Ht Wt Comment (projec ted round) Robert Gallery Iowa 6-7 323 Talent to be top-thr ee pick. Strengt h, reach allow him to rein in opponen ts. (1) Shawn Andrews Arkansas 6-4 373 Superio r fundame ntals to go with his imposin g stature . (1) Kelly Butler Purdue 6-7 334 Impress ive drive blocker , needs work on pass blockin g. (2) Jacob Rogers USC 6-5 305 Fleet-f ooted technic ian rarely lets defende r get the better of him. (3) Nat Dorsey Georgia Tech 6-7 322 A master of the pancake block, relies too much on his size. (3) SNEAKING UP Carlos Joseph Miami 6-6 342 Girth allows him to dominat e smaller defensi ve ends. (4) Tony Pape Michigan 6-6 323 Nicknam ed “Walrus .” That pretty much says it all. (4) Travelle Wharton South Carolina 6-3 312 Still improvi ng. Has a good work ethic. (4) TOP GUARD PROSPECTS Player School Ht Wt Comment (projec ted round) Justin Smiley Alabama 6-3 299 Technic ally sound at run or pass blockin g. (1) Vernon Carey Miami 6-4 325 Stoppin g the run is his strengt h. (2) Chris Snee Boston College 6-3 315 Human bulldoz er. Fires off the ball well. (3) Sean Locklear North Carolina St. 6-4 308 Has the physica l tools to be a special player. (3) Max Starks Florida 6-7 350 Enormou s blocker comes with impress ive pedigre e. Six relativ es played in the NFL. (4) TOP CENTER PROSPECTS Player School Ht Wt Comment (projec ted round) Jake Grove Virginia Tech 6-3 300 Found his niche at center after playing guard as a sophomo re and junior. (2) Nick Leckey Kansas State 6-2 290 An all-sta te wrestli ng champio n. (3) Scott Wells Tennessee 6-1 300 No. 1 nationa lly ranked heavywe ight wrestle r in high school. (3) Alex Stepanovich Ohio State 6-3 301 Impress ive leg drive. Adept at picking up blitz. (3) Kevin Bailey Virginia 6-5 293 Versati le enough to play any spot along line. (4) TOP KICKER PROSPECTS Player School Ht Wt Comment (projec ted round) Nate Kaeding Iowa 6-0 190 Cool under pressur e, consist ently lands touchba cks on kickoff s. (4) Josh Scobee Louisiana Tech 6-2 222 Can hit from long range. Hard to block. (5) Kirk Yliniemi Oregon State 5-11 207 Remarka bly accurat e from outside 50 yards. (6)

