
Excess Kerry Funds to Aid Democratic Camps

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Times Staff Writer

Left with a surplus from his vigorous fundraising, Sen. John F. Kerry is donating $6 million to campaign committees working to elect Democratic House and Senate members.

Kerry’s presidential campaign said Monday that $3 million apiece would be given to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. The money comes from the more than $225 million Kerry raised from private sources until officially becoming the party’s presidential nominee in July.

The contributions to Kerry shattered records for a Democratic presidential candidate. And he is the party’s first presidential nominee in recent times to funnel leftover political cash to the House and Senate campaign committees.


The money will help bankroll the committees’ efforts to overcome slim Republican majorities in Congress.

The cash from Kerry “will significantly improve the prospects of a Democratic Senate” after November’s vote, said Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota.

Rep. Robert T. Matsui (D-Sacramento), chair of the congressional campaign, said the money “just goes to show John Kerry’s commitment to electing a Democratic House.”

Kerry was able to collect so much money before receiving his party’s nomination because, like President Bush, he refused public money to help pay for his primary campaign. Taking public funds would have limited his fundraising.

Upon becoming the nominee, Kerry accepted $75 million in public money to spend through the Nov. 2 election, a move that prohibits him from raising more private funds.

As of the end of June, Bush had collected more than $228 million for his reelection bid. He can continue his private fundraising until early September, when he is officially nominated for a second term and accepts the $75 million in public money.
