
Ohio Certifies Votes, Including Most Provisionals

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From Associated Press

Ohio counties finished certifying votes in the Nov. 2 presidential election Wednesday, and the results showed that officials accepted about 77% of the provisional ballots that were cast.

Ohio’s 88 counties reported validating 121,598 provisional ballots from 156,977 checked, according to an Associated Press tabulation. The deadline for counties to certify election results was Wednesday.

Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell plans to certify the final result Monday.

President Bush’s margin of victory against Democratic Sen. John F. Kerry in Ohio was 136,483 votes. Kerry conceded the race after concluding he would not get enough of the provisional ballot vote to overtake Bush’s total.


Carlo LoParo, a spokesman for Blackwell’s office, said there would be no available breakdown of how many provisionals went to Bush and how many to Kerry.
