
No Commercials, Please

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As a happy TiVo owner, I wish to respond to one thing in Christine Rosen’s Dec. 7 commentary, “Fast-Forward to Passivity,” about TiVo’s plans to flash advertisements to those fast-forwarding through commercials. She states, “ ... you can fast-forward through recorded commercials but not skip them entirely.” Not quite true. There is a fairly simple software fix that reprograms your remote control for a 30-second skip (the length of many TV commercials), and I’m sure this will be of value to many people when TiVo institutes its drive-by advertising plan, so I’d like to pass it on.

This sequence will reprogram the tiny button used by TiVo owners to jump a paused live program to real time so it will do a 30-second forward skip instead: (1) Press the Select button. (2) Press the Play button. (3) Press the Select button. (4) Press the number “3,” then the number “0.” (5) Press the Select button.

Sherry Gottlieb

