
Committed to the Battle With Israel

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Times staff photographer Rick Loomis’ photo essay on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues today with a tour of a little-seen world populated by Palestinian militants loyal to groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which have been sworn to Israel’s destruction. For Israel, and moderate Palestinian leaders who hope to assume power in the wake of Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat’s death last month, these armed groups represent a threat even to discussions of peace, let alone an accord. To many downtrodden Palestinians, the angry young men are heroes and freedom fighters.


Once, they marched defiantly in the streets of Palestinian refugee camps and slums. Today, fighters from groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad have largely been driven underground. They emerge from the shadows to stage suicide attacks and confront Israeli troops during major military incursions, such as the one in early October in the northern Gaza Strip. More than 115 Palestinians were killed in that operation, about half of them believed to be militants. Over the last 20 months, Israel has assassinated the top echelon of Hamas and killed dozens of lower-level field officers. Untested Palestinian foot soldiers are also viewed as a threat. In September, Israeli forces fired on a field in Gaza City where Hamas recruits, many of them teenagers, were taking part in weapons maneuvers; at least 14 were killed. At a recent Hamas funeral in Gaza, masked mourners took the highly unusual step of refraining from firing their automatic weapons in the air. They did not want to attract the attention of nearby Israeli troops.


On the Web: For previous parts and additional photography, visit
