
Santas Say Negative Portrayal Is Humbug

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Re “Ho! Ho! Is More Like Uh-Oh,” Dec. 23: As an amateur mall Santa, I think it might be interesting to hear another side of the story. Being a retired high school teacher and grandfather of four, I took on the role of Santa Claus three years ago at a local mall for the simple reason that I love children. I earn a fraction of the amount mentioned in the article, and I work only five weeks, not two months. I don’t belong to an organization, read manuals, have insurance or become cynical at the end of the season. Some children ask for Xboxes and iPods, but most still want Barbies and firetrucks. Some even ask for world peace and express a desire to help the hungry and the poor. It’s hard work, but the rewards are many. I’d like to think that there are a lot more Santas like me than the ones mentioned in the article.

Robert Carrelli

Thousand Oaks


I feel your article was an attack on all Santas. As the article stated, there are tens of thousands of Santas, and we don’t all “hit the bottle,” feel that we need to binge or not wish to see children again. It also doesn’t address the hundreds of charities, low-income housing and military groups that Santas visit.

Stress or not, most of the Santas I am in touch with are like myself, trying to make children happy and give them a little magic to believe in during this season of love and sharing. Perhaps I am naive, but I feel that if more people tried being a good Santa, there would be more peace and fewer cynics in this world.


You are absolutely correct in saying it is a tough job, and I would further agree that there are many who probably should not be performing this service. But to lump all of us together is a cheap shot. Many Santas are very sorry to see the season end, and there are even a few of us who try to keep the season all year in spite of the headlines in The Times.

Joe Moore

San Clemente
