
Goth-plus: She’s happily typecast

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Until age 8, she lived in the Bahamas. Then her parents -- one Bahamian, the other Irish, both U.S. citizens -- brought the family to the States. The actress found a home in Hollywood when she clicked with the producers of the ensemble comedy “Girlfriends.” For the character Lynn, they sought a bohemian, perhaps biracial, woman. In walked a tattooed actress-goth-rock musician with dreads, who is biracial and has her own style.

Vegan break

Friday nights, I go home, change clothes and maybe have a quick bite to eat. I’ll have maybe a soy latte and a soy pepperoni and avocado sandwich. I’m a vegan -- even my mom jumped on the animal rights bandwagon. So is my niece, who started a petition drive when she was in the eighth grade and refused to dissect an earthworm. She won! We’re all into it.

I love music

But just because I won’t dissect a frog doesn’t mean that I’m anti-science. I was always a nerdy science person. I’ve got a band, XeO3 -- it comes from the periodic chart of elements. It’s xenon trioxide.


In fact, after I eat I head out to a rehearsal studio to meet the guys. That’s when I’m really myself. I play guitar and sing. Our band’s working on an album; we’re kind of alternative rock, a little industrial. After rehearsal, we all go get a drink. We either go to the Eclectic Cafe in North Hollywood, or we might go to Real Food Daily over in Hollywood. They’ve got organic beer, organic wine, a lot of really good French wines with no sulfides. And I’ll have a salad.

Shopping day

Saturdays, I tend to sleep in if I’m up late on Fridays. I get up and take a little time for meditation. Then I’ll do a little shopping. I shop down on Melrose. I like Wasteland. Everything is, like, one-tenth the price. There’s a shop that has a punk rock, funky, goth mixture of clothes, with a lot of cool T-shirts, and I like Urban Outfitters -- it has a lot of shoes that are vinyl.

I like the shops over on Robertson -- Kitson, Rozae Nichols and Curve. I can usually find things that aren’t wool or silk, the kinds of clothes that don’t have any leather on them. After that, I go to the Beverly Center for the Steve Madden store. And I like to stop at Betsy Johnson’s. After that, I might stop at Starbuck’s and get a soy chai latte.


Getting out

Then, if feel like a movie, I go to the Laemmle Sunset 5. They aren’t afraid to play movies out of the mainstream.

I’m not really a club person, but if I do go out, I’ll go to an industrial goth club. There’s a club on Las Palmas that has a goth night. I like goth places, because there it’s an unspoken etiquette that guys don’t hit on girls -- that’s it’s not a meat market thing. At a goth set, you can dance by yourself, or with two friends, and nobody cares.


Sunday I might work out. I like to work out as often as I can, but sometimes everything keeps me too busy. But if I can, I go to the Equinox on Sunset. Then I’ll check my daughter’s homework and maybe watch a DVD. Maybe I’ll meditate -- it’s all a part of getting ready for the week.
