
Dean Proves He Can Handle the Heat

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If “Democrats Look for That Winning Edge” (Jan. 13), they will find it. Only one of the Democratic presidential contenders has shown that he can stand up against mud and criticism hurled at him ceaselessly and maintain his cool and dignity. That’s Howard Dean. No uncontrollable temper outbursts and wild retaliations.

The eventual Democratic candidate will have to withstand the vicious, cynical onslaught being prepared by the President Bush-Karl Rove campaign machine and then hit back hard. Dean alone has proved he can do that. The Democratic Party is not in a position to take a chance on any of the others.

Jack Rothman

Los Angeles


“Surprise Governorship Changed Dean” (Jan. 13) frequently called Dean a centrist. Dean is no closer to being a centrist than I am to being a duck. I cannot believe The Times would have the guts to continually print such liberal propaganda. Dean is a radical liberal who is nearing the point of being a socialist. In any case, he would be bad news for America.


Fred Patten



Michael Ramirez poses the question: “Why is Howard Dean so angry?” (editorial cartoon, Commentary, Jan. 11). Well, Mr. Ramirez, how about nearly 500 soldiers who have been killed and almost 10,000 casualties in a war that our administration lied and distorted facts about, to garner support for its launch? How about the revelations that this war was preplanned?

The only revelation is what took everyone so long to come to this realization. Read the think tank Project for a New American Century documents dating from 1998. Look at Vice President Dick Cheney’s secret energy task force.

What about the billions of dollars that are being spent on this illegal war instead of going toward locating and controlling Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda and the Taliban? How about the falling dollar?


My question to Ramirez and so many others is, “Why aren’t you angry?”

Tim Ricketson

Chino Hills
