
An Honest Angelides Can Guide Tax Debate

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The headline and tone of “Angelides Emerges as ‘Anti-Schwarzenegger’ ” (Jan. 11) got it wrong about state Treasurer Phil Angelides: He isn’t “the anti-Schwarzenegger.” He’s pro-people of California. He’s one of the few public officials in either political party who has the guts to speak sensibly to the public. He’s honest about the fact that at least temporary additional taxes are needed to support the things great state institutions should do: educate, assist and protect the citizens to create productive, civil, livable and compassionate communities. Angelides knows that Californians aren’t overtaxed for what they get.

Schwarzenegger may have muscles in his biceps and a forked tongue from which he spews trite platitudes and sound bites. But Angelides impresses me as someone who has the strength of ideas and convictions that would lead to honest solutions to our problems.

Bob Stone

Los Angeles
