
Company makes time for Sellars

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Three years ago, after a $360-million renovation, London’s Covent Garden planned to reopen with two new operatic productions. But construction delays meant there wasn’t time for the Royal Opera to prepare both shows. Verdi’s “Falstaff,” starring Bryn Terfel, went on as scheduled. But Peter Sellars’ production of Ligeti’s “Le Grand Macabre,” which Esa-Pekka Salonen was to conduct, was canceled in midrehearsal. The decision was a small scandal that infuriated the stiffed Sellars and Salonen.

The director, at least, got his revenge. Six months later, he mounted a new production of John Adams’ “Nixon in China” for the more populist English National Opera that proved the sensation of the London opera year and far more popular than anything at Covent Garden that season.

Now, Sellars has barely escaped the same fate again. ENO was planning to open the Coliseum, its newly renovated theater in the English capital, on Feb. 7 with a revival of his “Nixon” production. But construction delays meant that the company would not have time to ready both it and a new production of Wagner’s “The Rhinegold.” However, this time ENO delayed the opening by two weeks to Feb. 21, so that “Nixon” and “Rhinegold” could both be properly rehearsed.


The postponement means, however, that ENO won’t be able to steal any of Royal Opera’s thunder this time by having its opening before the more prestigious company’s major winter happening. This year, that’s the premiere of Thomas Ades’ “The Tempest,” based on Shakespeare’s play.

-- M.S.
