
Democratic Candidates: Ready for Prime Time?

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If Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kerry is to be the Democrats’ nominee for president, President Bush can begin planning his second inaugural celebration right now. Kerry is yet another soggy Northern liberal in the mold of Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis. On top of that, he’s stiff as a board; he’s Ed Muskie but without the charisma. Who would vote for Kerry who didn’t vote for Al Gore? Impressed with Kerry’s war record? Check with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) about how far an impressive war record gets you when you’re battling Bush, as McCain did in the 2000 Republican primaries.

My picks for the Dems with the best chance of beating Bush, in order of preference: Howard Dean (a passionate Northern semi-liberal and a deficit hawk); Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina (as a sharp Southerner, he fits the profile of the last three Dems to be elected president: Clinton, Carter and Johnson); and Wesley Clark (who should attract some “NASCAR dads” by virtue of his military ties, but who has baggage of his own).

John Martin



Re “Lieberman’s Rebuke of Clinton Set a Tone,” Jan. 22: Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman’s 1998 criticism of Bill Clinton in front of the Senate was a pompous, shameful display of disloyalty and a low point in an already troubled time. Worse still is the way he keeps calling himself a “Clinton Democrat” in a desperate attempt to breathe life into his dead campaign. Way to go, Joe. Kick your president when he’s down, but use his legacy when it serves your purpose. It must be lonely at the bottom.


Sheila Fenton

West Hollywood


The Times reminds us of Lieberman’s 1998 speech when he called Clinton’s behavior “immoral” and “harmful.” That speech earned Lieberman the reputation of a “fearless centrist willing to act on deeply felt moral beliefs.” Is there no Republican today who dares to call Bush’s unnecessary invasion of Iraq and irresponsible tax cuts immoral and harmful?

Carol Lopilato

Hermosa Beach


Re “Dean’s Late-Night Battle Cry May Have Damaged Campaign,” Jan. 22:

Well, Dean fires up his exhausted supporters and volunteers in Iowa and forgets that the TV cameras are on. I’d rather support somebody with passion and the energy to fight than the well-coiffed creations of media consultants who only seem to speak when the cameras are on.

Will anyone make a rap song out of Kerry’s Iowa speech? I rather think not, since nobody remembers what he said.


Michael Gutperle

Santa Monica
