
Fundamental Rights of Israelis, Palestinians

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Re “Israel’s High Court Puts a Dent in West Bank Barrier,” June 30: Obviously, Israel is not exempt from the far-reaching arm of the liberal courts and judges plaguing most of Europe and much of the United States. Israel’s Supreme Court ruling that the West Bank barrier protecting Israel violates “many fundamental rights” of Palestinians living in its path ignores Israel’s fundamental right to protect itself from suffering more Palestinian suicide bombings aimed at Israeli schoolchildren, women and families eating in restaurants.

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmed Korei’s comments that the entire barrier is an “act of aggression” is not only laughable, it’s pathetic. Then there is the International Court of Justice, which will be rendering its nonbinding, no doubt liberal opinion in the coming days. Hey Ahmed Korei, here’s an idea: Stop the suicide bombings killing women and children and just maybe Israel will stop building the West Bank barrier.

Rod Guyton



Re: “Israeli Raids Leave Nablus on Eggshells,” June 30: Interesting article about the hardships Palestinians face as they deal with Israeli soldiers searching for terrorists who reside in their neighborhoods. Now how about an article on the physical and psychological toll the volley of suicide bombings has on Israeli schoolchildren and families?


After all, the aftermath of an Israeli raid is Palestinian residents walking on “eggshells.” The aftermath of a suicide bombing is Israelis walking over severed body parts.

A little context by The Times is needed.

Lynn Rohatiner

Los Angeles
