
Return to the Past Is Wrong Course for CIA

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Re “Derring-Do Becomes Don’t,” Commentary, July 22: So Max Boot, in the name of reforming America’s intelligence capabilities, wants to return the CIA, or some smaller agency with a new name, to the era of “Wild Bill” Donovan and Bill Casey.

He wants more agents feeding us enemy intentions, like those who predicted that the U.S.S.R. and China would end their friendship pact because of ideological differences. Like the ones who urged us to step into the quicksand of Southeast Asia so we could stop the Third World nations of the region from falling like dominoes to communism. And like the ones who ignored the law and congressional oversight and sold our Hawk missiles to Iran to finance the shipment of arms to rebels who ousted Nicaragua’s leftist government.

If Boot is young enough to refer to those over 60 as “geezers,” then I assume he’s ready to join this new Office of Strategic Services and is already studying Pashto, Farsi and Arabic in preparation for parachuting into Pakistan’s tribal area in search of Osama bin Laden.


Marvin J. Wolf

Mar Vista


Boot’s column is so misguided. Of course, it’s easier to blame the CIA, or rather the CIA’s age. The CIA is 60 years old? Let’s trash it! While we’re at it, let’s toss that Constitution thingy. Isn’t it like 200 years old?

Tony Serri

Van Nuys
