
Kaiser Settles Suit Alleging Denial of Care

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Kaiser Permanente has settled for an undisclosed amount a lawsuit filed by Chant Yedalian, a La Crescenta man who became a lawyer to launch a legal crusade against the HMO to avenge what he alleged was the wrongful death of his mother.

“The case has been resolved and we think that the settlement is the best result for everyone involved,” said Kaiser spokesman Jim Anderson.

In his 1999 suit, Yedalian alleged, among other things, that Kaiser inflated the qualifying criteria for a particular breast cancer therapy so it could deny treatment and thus save money. Kaiser denied the claims.


“As a result of this case, Kaiser’s scheme to deny patient care has been brought to the public’s attention,” said Yedalian, 30. “I know my mom would be very proud with what we’ve been able to accomplish.”

-- Debora Vrana
