
Balance is everything

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Variety is a key to maintaining an effective workout program. It keeps your routines fresh and prevents your body from going on “auto pilot.” Here’s a new exercise that will help you develop flexibility, balance and muscle control while also keeping your workouts from getting stale.


1 Kneel upright on a Bosu trainer with your knees at hip width apart. Once you feel comfortable with your balance, lift both feet off the floor, and try to keep them from touching the ground during the move. Straighten your arms to your sides with the palms turned up to the ceiling.

2 Swing your arms in front of your chest, hooking your right elbow underneath your left. Wrap your forearms so that your palms meet in front of your face. Keep your chest lifted and pull your elbows down, moving the tops of your shoulders away from your ears. Feel a stretch across your upper back and shoulders. Hold and balance in this position for 15 seconds. Release your arms to the side and repeat, hooking your left elbow underneath your right this time.



-- Karen Voight
