
Maybe She Was Just Absolutely Dogging It

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Times Staff Writer

Baseball’s steroid scandal is big news, and now comes word of another kind of drug scandal -- at Britain’s largest dog show.

Cleve and Nancy Evans, the owners of a 22-month-old Doberman named Kerri, who was favored in its category at the Crufts Dog Show in Birmingham, said their dog might have been drugged.

“She was just not herself,” Cleve Evans said, according to Associated Press. “She was uncoordinated, listless and lethargic.”


Trivia time: What do Georgia and Yale have in common?

More dog news: Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times noted that Iditarod officials, trying to be sensitive to environmentalists’ concerns about sled-dog droppings left along the wilderness trail, are reportedly willing to take a page from NASCAR and impose fuel restrictions.

“But all talks are off at the first mention of restrictor plates,” Perry wrote.

Beware of this dog: The San Francisco Chronicle’s report that Barry Bonds received steroids and growth hormones prompted this from KFWB’s Bret Lewis:

“But Bonds says he has never used steroids or growth hormones. We are left with only one conclusion: He must have given them to his dog. So watch out for a 325-pound cocker spaniel.”


‘Roid it and weep: The Chronicle reported federal investigators have been told that Bonds, Gary Sheffield and Jason Giambi, among others, received steroids from the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative (BALCO).

Wrote Jim Armstrong of the Denver Post and “Asked to comment on the report, baseball Commissioner Bud Selig said he was considering abandoning the traditional format and having the junkies play the regular guys in the All-Star game.”

Her goose is cooked: Jay Leno, on Martha Stewart: “As you know, the jury found Martha guilty on all counts. No one expected that. In fact, they not only found her guilty of obstruction of justice and making false statements, they also got her for betting on baseball and taking steroids.”


A long way indeed: For 49-year-old Tatyana Pozdnyakova to have run the Los Angeles Marathon in 2 hours 30 minutes 17 seconds is particularly amazing when one considers no woman ran a marathon in under three hours before 1971.

The first to do it was Adrienne Beames of Australia, who ran a 2:46:30. The world record is 2:15:25, set by Paula Radcliffe of Britain at the 2003 London Marathon.

Looking back: On this date in 1920, the Quebec Bulldogs got six goals from Joe Malone and defeated the Ottawa Senators, 10-4, in an NHL game.

Trivia answer: The nickname Bulldogs.

And finally: Michael Ventre of, after Alex Rodriguez and Derek Jeter vowed to work together as New York Yankee teammates: “To prove it, they’re planning to beat up a Red Sox groundskeeper.”


Larry Stewart can be reached at
