
Exquisitely equine

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Thank you for your wonderful article “Riding Into Film History” by Deanne Stillman (March 7). My family and I had just been to the opening night of “Hidalgo” after weeks of anticipation. It was a perfect family movie for everyone despite its PG-13 rating. It was especially wonderful for my daughter (who is 8) and me as we love riding horses together and share the wonder of their majestic and mysterious beauty.

“In wildness is the preservation of the world,” Thoreau once said. To many, the freedom and grace of the wild mustang symbolizes this preservation and is something that resonates deep within those of us who love this noble and beautiful creature. This connection between man and horse is something that can never be denied, nor can it ever be replaced once the last echo of their hoofs thundering over the vanishing wild places of the earth has been silenced. Thank you for helping others to understand.

Melissa T. Boettner

Newport Beach
