
The real McDiet

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I find it interesting that the L.A. Times would jump on the misinformation bandwagon regarding the film “Super Size Me” [“Hardly Happy Meals,” by John Clark, April 25]. Specifically, Mr. Spurlock’s daily caloric intake was far in excess of his needs or those of the typical consumer, regardless of what was consumed. This was done in an effort to be dramatic, but it has turned into an absurdity. I defy anyone to follow his regimen for 30 days, refuse to exercise and still maintain their weight.

I’ve been on a 30-day journey through the golden arches of fast food. I have eaten only McDonald’s food for the past 28 days. My objective is to prove that through proper caloric intake and exercise (aerobic and anaerobic), it’s possible to eat a variety of foods, including fast food, without gaining fat.

Chazz Weaver

Costa Mesa

Chazz Weaver outlines his “McDonald’s diet on the website
