
Condemn the Israeli Attack on Gaza Civilians

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The Israeli army is using American F-16s firing rockets and American Caterpillar tractors to destroy civilian housing in Rafah in the Gaza Strip (May 18). Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said in Jordan on Sunday that his country was opposed to the demolition of Palestinian homes in Rafah. It’s “a subject of conversation and a subject of concern,” national security advisor Condoleezza Rice said.

Where is the outrage from U.S. officials? Munitions we give to Israel should not be used against innocent civilians. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has condemned the demolitions in Rafah, calling on the Israeli government to meet its security needs within the framework of international law. Annan also called on Israel to abide by its obligations as an occupying power by swiftly refraining from demolishing the Palestinian houses, which is tantamount to collective punishment and a clear breaching of international law.

Ted Shapin

