
Kerry Must Be More Than ‘Not Bush’

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Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and his lackluster campaign have to do more to assure a victory in November. Many of the people who are disgusted with President Bush may not vote at all unless Kerry can offer more than just being “not Bush.” Those who do not vote will only help the ones who firmly support a candidate -- and who will vote. Although, for this Republican, I consider the job Bush and his cronies have done. For me, being “not Bush” is enough to get me to vote for Kerry.

Mike Kirwan



Michael Ramirez accuses Kerry of being a flip-flopper (editorial cartoon, Commentary, May 15). It isn’t Kerry who is responsible for the biweekly policy changes in Iraq, nor is it Kerry who got us into that morass. Ramirez should wake up ... or would that be flip-flopping?

John Riley

La Jolla


I want to thank Ramirez for bringing Kerry to our attention. With all that’s going on, I’d forgotten that he was running.


David Strauss

