
Which Party Counts God as a Member?

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Re “In God, and the GOP, They Trust,” Commentary, May 19: God a Republican? Not for this Christian minister!

The God revealed in the Old Testament charges the community (local and national) to care for the poor and powerless, and condemns its leaders unconditionally when they fail. Jesus (God, born human, in the New Testament) teaches love and forgiveness, turning the other cheek and going the extra mile in the face of opposition. The God of the Bible calls on people to trust in God for their protection and well-being and not in their own “wisdom” or strength.

I find none of these principles reflected in the Republican Party, and I am sickened by the Christian community’s tunnel vision that applauds the “family values” of conservative politicians and ignores the profound absence of social responsibility.


Ron Duvall



I found David Klinghoffer’s argument that God may indeed be a Republican to be an interesting read. While he simply captures many of the so-called differences between the liberals and the conservatives, his statement that liberals see government as parents and citizens as children who are “too irresponsible to cross the street by themselves” is beyond simple.

His argument is especially ironic during this week’s 50th anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education. Where was individual moral responsibility when America sanctioned institutionalized racism? Or Abu Ghraib? To suggest that the individual will ultimately answer to her own conscience or to God is wishful thinking; I wish it were all so simple.

Margaret Manson



Klinghoffer’s commentary is interesting in that the characterizations of conservatives and liberals that he provides seem to be fun-house-mirror distortions of what I see. Conservatives encourage us to make our own choices, while liberals see the government as parental? Let’s see now, which of those two groups thinks that women aren’t capable of making informed decisions about their own bodies? Which group thinks responsible gay adults shouldn’t marry?


Which group believes promising research that can benefit Alzheimer’s patients should be curtailed in response to religious superstitions? And which group thinks that cancer patients can’t be allowed to smoke marijuana to relieve their suffering lest they do irreparable harm to their moral character? I have no opinion on whether God is a Democrat or Republican, but I’m fairly certain she doesn’t read Klinghoffer’s commentaries.

Robert Gould

Los Angeles


God may be a Republican, but Jesus, beyond a doubt, is a Democrat.

Ben Boelman

