
Violence Flares Near Najaf; 3 Iraqis Killed

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Times Staff Writer

A tentative peace agreement in the Najaf area faced its first test Friday when fighting erupted between U.S. troops and militiamen loyal to Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada Sadr, killing at least three Iraqis and wounding two Americans.

The violence occurred a day after both sides embraced a compromise aimed at stopping nearly two months of fighting in the holy city and neighboring Kufa, where battles have killed hundreds of Iraqis and damaged several shrines.

Najaf remained relatively quiet, but in Kufa, U.S. forces were attacked with rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire as they conducted a reconnaissance operation, manned a traffic checkpoint and patrolled the city, officials said. The U.S. base camp also came under mortar attack several times.


“While it has been quiet in Najaf, these would appear to be violations of that agreement that [Sadr] signed his name to,” said Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, the senior military spokesman in Iraq. “Now, these are small incidents that don’t seem to be endemic.... But we’ll wait and see and we’ll continue to respond as and when necessary.”

Dan Senor, a spokesman for the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority, said he remained “cautiously optimistic” that the settlement would stick.

Sadr representatives blamed the U.S. for Friday’s bloodshed, saying American troops had provoked the attacks by conducting patrols through the area and cutting off roads into the cities, preventing Shiites who had traveled to Najaf and Kufa from entering to attend Friday prayers.


“By these acts, they broke the truce,” said Sheik Ahmed Shibani, one of Sadr’s aides.

Sadr did not deliver his usual prayer address Friday. His aides attributed his absence to security concerns.

In recent weeks, Sadr has delivered a string of anti-American sermons, condemning the occupation.

In his place Friday, Sheik Jabir Khafaji called on Najaf residents to rebel against U.S. forces.


“Unite in order to drive them from your country,” he said, adding that if the Americans eliminate Sadr’s Al Mahdi militia, “it will be the humiliation of everyone.”

Also Friday in Najaf, Sadruddin Qubanchi, a well-known cleric associated with the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, a political party, was attacked by gunmen as he left a mosque after prayers. He was not injured.

One gunman was captured, and witnesses said the suspect claimed to have been hired by Sadr’s militia. Sadr’s office denied the claim and condemned the attack.

Under the terms of the peace deal, Sadr agreed to vacate government facilities in Najaf and send some of his armed followers home. In return, the U.S. agreed to pull back to a few small bases in and around Najaf and Kufa.

Decisions on the future of the militia and whether Sadr will be charged with plotting the slaying of a rival cleric are to be postponed.
