
Media’s Election Role

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The reelection of this deeply flawed president speaks less to the weakness of the challenger than it exposes the awesome power of conservative news organizations. Microphones in the hands of Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh and the rest were crucial in maintaining the various illusions with which millions of Americans marched off to the polls.

Stripped of this overwhelming media edge, President Bush would be riding back to his Texas ranch and America would be on the long road to recovery from the damage and division wrought by this administration.

Michael Foulks

San Diego


I come away from this election with great misgivings, not for the way it turned out, but for the realization that a monster is loose in America. I am talking about the liberal press and media, without whose help John Kerry would have been crushed. These people are so expert in the use of propaganda that they almost captured the election for Kerry. The problem is that the media cannot be controlled. Though they must be free to address the news, they have a responsibility to police themselves and stop inserting their personal bias when reporting.


Sion Colvin

Woodland Hills
