
Planting the Seeds for California’s Secession

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Re “If at First You Don’t Secede ... ,” Commentary, Nov. 10: I suggest that Patt Morrison remain more upbeat regarding California’s right to secede.

True, the Constitution contains no explicit provision that permits a state to withdraw from the Union. However, it also contains no explicit provision denying such action. Read that in conjunction with the 10th Amendment, which states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Conclusion: California retains the right to secede.

Gene A. Blinde



Letter writers think seceding is the next step for California?

Hey, take a look at the county election map for our state: Other than the urban pockets of progressives and one packed with illegal immigrants, the state voted for President Bush.


Liberals need to get it through their heads that they do not decide the fate of California.

If they are so overwrought with despair, Canada and France would welcome them.

Robert McCarthy

Newbury Park


The letters regarding California seceding struck a chord. My husband and I discussed moving to Canada but we are old and that makes it seem more difficult.

I noted that the states that did not vote for Bush have a connection to Canada: from California through Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan and Maine down to Maryland. Perhaps we could all secede together and maybe, just maybe, Canada would accept a loose confederation with us.


This group of states seems to have more in common with the values of Canada, i.e., religious tolerance, women’s choice, and interest in healthcare for all. We have fine universities and, together, a superb economy.

Think how much clout we would have to negotiate drug price reductions for our citizens.

Isn’t it worth exploring?

Hannah E. MacGregor



To all those Democrats and progressives talking about moving to Canada: Don’t go! Canada’s doing fine. We need you here! If you must move, how about moving to Ohio? Or Florida? Or Wisconsin, Iowa, Nevada, New Mexico, Minnesota ... .

Keleigh Hardie



Re the polarization of the U.S. 200 years ago (letter, Nov. 10): There was indeed a “deep rift” between the industrial North and agricultural South. It festered for nearly 80 years and finally erupted in 1861.


The American Civil War raged for four years, cost the lives of nearly half a million Americans on both sides and the life of a sitting American president. And we are still struggling to this day with unresolved issues of regionalism, prejudice and economic devastation growing out of that war.

Rebecca J. Merwin

