
The Governor May Have ‘Downsized,’ but State’s Problems Remain ‘Super-Sized’

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Your cover story on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (“Downsizing Arnold,” by Robert Salladay and Peter Nicholas, Oct. 24) was right on. The governor has indeed “downsized his goals.” Unfortunately, the state still has super-sized problems, namely a multibillion-dollar structural budget deficit. If anyone has the personality and the political capital to address California’s big problems, it’s the governor. Let’s hope he has the patience and the will to act. If so, we’ll all be better off. If not, the giant will go down in history as just another opportunistic politician.

Cary Brazeman

Los Angeles


The article showed a picture of the governor signing the historic workers’ compensation bill. Within months of taking office, Schwarzenegger pushed through a reluctant reform that is already saving money and promises to save even more.

Alvin Markovitz

Via the Internet


It is remarkable that in this country a presidential candidate can fall out of favor with the voters if he appears too “intellectual.” On the other hand, we idolize loutish sports figures and dopey movie stars, and the most insipid “reality” TV shows top the ratings. This is the mentality that Schwarzenegger exploited to become governor of our great state. This is a guy who was not satisfied with wealth and international fame, and he lusted for political power to feed his massive ego. A year later he still uses tired lines from his movies to gain support for his political agenda.


What is his solution to solve California’s budget woes? Well, despite his apparent disdain for all of the taxes we endure, he wants to tax the Indian tribes, arguably the most exploited and marginalized peoples in the Americas. And what about his governorship? Nothing has changed, of course, except that he understands the power of the media and uses it to advance his own interests. The old dictum that the people get the government they deserve applies well to our state now.

Bret G. Andia

