
Another Look at the Executive Class

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We are no longer the land of the “haves” and “have nots” (“Rise of the Corporate Plutocrats,” by Vince Beiser, Oct. 17). We are quickly becoming the land of “have a lot” and “have even less.” It reminds me of some famous words spoken more than 200 years ago: “Let them eat cake.” We all know how that scenario ended.

However, our modern guillotine drops ever so slowly and has become so dull that offenders easily escape its justice. They serve their “sentences” in luxury while the rest of us search for that elusive piece of pastry.

Dawn Romo



My daughter recently said to me, “You know, communism is really more in line with Christian thinking.” For my part, I’ve always leaned more toward socialism, but after reading Beiser’s article, maybe it would take the threat of a resurgent interest in communism to get our greedy corporate leaders back in line.


Making 400 times what the average worker makes? That is obscene.

Frederick Cleveland

