
Getting Down to the Finer Debating Points

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President Bush referred to rumors on the “Internets.”

Please tell me, where can I find this other “Internet,” and why did the president wait until this evening to inform the general public about this new discovery?

Saul Colover

Los Angeles


Sen. John F. Kerry kept repeating how he has a plan for this and a plan for that, without revealing any details.

Well, Senator, I also have a plan. I’m planning on voting for Bush.

John G. Thompson



Did I hear Bush correctly when he said “I wasn’t happy when we found there weren’t weapons” of mass destruction? Why would any person be disappointed that another nation had no WMD?


Once again, when Bush speaks without a script, he lets everyone know he would rather his agenda be correct than there be a safer U.S. or world.

Stephen Rafferty

North Hollywood


Bush claims that Kerry’s healthcare plan would end up being government-run (not necessarily true) and implied that this is something we should fear.

As a self-employed person who is almost 50, I’ve paid for my healthcare coverage out-of-pocket since 1989. My premiums keep going up, while my benefits keep getting cut. For example, my health insurance company used to pay for a routine blood test done as part of an annual exam. This year, they eliminated that benefit and I’m stuck with a $111 bill for the test.

I recently lost a client and had to increase my deductible to $2,000 per year with a $45 co-payment in order to afford the premiums. And God help me when I turn 50 in six months because the premiums will be even higher.

Gail Suber

Santa Monica


The most telling moment of the debate was when President Bush ran roughshod over Charles Gibson (interrupting him, talking over him and refusing to acknowledge him as the moderator). Is this how he conducts his so-called diplomacy?

Michelle M. McCliman

Ladera Ranch


In the quest for an orator, Kerry would be the choice of many. However, the senator spoke much of “plans,” and made many promises. The president spoke of what he has done, and what he is doing.


Kerry seemed at times to be campaigning for the presidency of the U.N. rather than the U.S.

Bush was his usual affable and straightforward self. Agree or disagree with him, you know where he stands, and why.

Robert A. Gismondi



I wonder which George Bush will show up for the third debate? The hunched-over one or the “I can shout louder than you” one?

Jay Rose

Woodland Hills
