
Governor Finds a Place in the Minds and Menus of Europeans

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You may recall the item here about L.A. Restaurant in Bratislava, Slovakia, which has a photo of Arnold Schwarzenegger on the wall and serves a drink called the Terminator III. Something to eat with that? Well, Geoff Kuenning found a Munich eatery that has a meat dish named after the governor.

I think the sign loosely translates as “Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Favorite Dodger Dog” (see photo).

“Honest, officer...” Alibi No. 533,323,616: A 22-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving in the Santa Barbara area, even though he had an explanation for why he reeked of alcohol. He said he’d been “kissing lots of girls who had been drinking,” reported the Daily Nexus, UC Santa Barbara’s campus newspaper.



No road rage here! On a visit to New Hampshire, Daniel Giang visited an area where it’s unlawful to hunt motorists (see photo).


Parking enforcement: In Arizona, Harold Knox of Woodland Hills noticed that the Frog Restaurant warned that illegally parked drivers could kiss off their cars (see photo).


That sly English humor? In London (this is the international edition of Only in L.A., in case you hadn’t noticed), my colleague Bob Browning chanced upon a stately mansion with complicated instructions for entering (see photo).


This is a complaint? The police log of the Los Alamitos News-Enterprise said a Cypress resident “reported that an unknown person was standing in his front yard watering the lawn.” All I want to know is whether the guy also does cars.


Can I borrow that hose? The News-Enterprise’s police log also said a Seal Beach resident complained to authorities “that a large possum on her dryer in the garage was hissing at her.”


Scholar of the Month: As you may have read, bad-boy rock musician Tommy Lee will soon be living the life of an undergraduate student at the University of Nebraska for a reality TV show.


In addition to trying out for the marching band, Lee, a high school dropout, will take classes in chemistry, literature and the history of rock ‘n’ roll.

His study load is not surprising. Chemistry, for instance. Lee has admittedly taken a great interest in drugs in the past. The literature class will enable him to better appreciate the classics, such as “Star: A Novel,” by ex-wife Pamela Anderson.

And the rock ‘n’ roll class will serve to remind him of events in his career that he may have, uh, forgotten.


miscelLAny: During the Raiders-Colts game on XTRA Sports Radio (1150 AM), an announcer began a commercial this way: “Hey, Raider fans, next time you buy beer ... “ A Raider fan buying alcohol -- now there’s a chilling thought.
