
Anger Over LAPD Shooting Reports

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Re “Investigating Their Own,” Oct. 17: After reading your report regarding false police shooting review summary reports, I can only conclude that Los Angeles police officers who violate the law know how to manipulate the system. They lie, their fellow officers support their lies and the officer writing the review summary omits any incriminating evidence. This systematic process of falsehoods discourages claimants from seeking judicial relief and guarantees the offending officers will remain employed while allowing them to avoid criminal liability; but worst of all, it encourages the corrupt process to perpetuate.

Norwood Price



What’s wrong with this picture on Page A26 of a sign that states “KILLED BY THE LAPD!”? We see only black or Hispanic faces. Something is wrong, or should I say the involved LAPD officers have a hidden agenda and are sick.

Harriet C. Kenion

Lake View Terrace


Re increasing the county sales tax to hire more police (letters, Oct. 16): I am surprised no one wrote about the millions of dollars the LAPD has paid out in settlements for wrongful shootings, money that could be used to hire more officers, thus eliminating the need to, yet again, raise the sales tax. I don’t think you should have supported that proposition. It seems to me that the more money we throw at the local, state and national politicians, the more they want.


Michele Hall

Valley Glen
