
Republican Convention Ignites Fans and Foes

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From funds for junior college to help for potential homeowners, George Bush ladled on the gravy of a rich nation upon its citizenry (Sept. 3). Lost however in Bush’s litany of new goodies was any means to pay for them.

If he was the leader he professed to be, the supposed “right man” in this time of national peril, he would call upon all of us to join in some measure of civic sacrifice. Instead we get more from government, with another promise of lower taxes. With deficits rising and the boomer retirement just ahead, true leadership would tap the patriotism he is so good at arousing and put it to the difficult tasks ahead.

Among his talk of values, one that eludes this president is paying the bills. When the trillions finally come due, I ask our kids and grandkids to look back at this absurd speech to know exactly how we patriots got them into this mess.


Alan M. Scolamieri

Long Beach


If you believe Bush’s GOP acceptance speech, it is now the duty of America to liberate the Middle East in this new century of liberty. It is clear the president will use the U.S. military to march his crusade wherever and whenever needed. We know Iraq, Iran and North Korea have been identified as “the axis of evil” -- one down and two to go. You are right, Mr. President, we know exactly where you stand, and it does not make us feel safer.

Robert Tormey



On the morning after the Republican convention, I was not surprised to see a front-page story about a routine John Kerry campaign speech. Your preference for the Democratic candidate over the Republican is so obvious. I will expect to see a bash-Bush story every day on Page 1 until the election.

Rick Griffin

San Diego


I was dumbfounded as Bush said in his acceptance speech that America is about “freedom” and “liberty,” even as he called for a constitutional ban on the rights of millions of Americans to choose whom they want to marry, and called into question the rights of women to make their own personal choices. And the way he pretended to be an environmentalist while trying to wipe out our national parks is a disgrace!


Abraham Lincoln would be a Democrat today.

John Schaefer



Republicans can sleep well tonight knowing that Bush ushered in “the era of preemptive war.” During the Cold War of the 1960s we worried about events and negotiations “leading up to war.” No need to worry anymore: Preemptive war means that you don’t reason, you don’t need to negotiate, you start dropping bombs.

Question: Is there any nation on Earth that would dare drop bombs on us? Preemptively? Ever? Guarantee it? Thanks, President Bush, you made the rules of engagement a lot simpler. But have you made us safer?

I don’t trust the era of preemptive war. I will vote for John Kerry.

John Mathews



Nice shot at attempting to minimize Sen. Zell Miller’s stature in the Democratic Party. Keynote speaker in 1992 for Bill Clinton, but now he’s a lightweight in your truly biased opinion (editorial, Sept. 2). When you see Bush’s poll numbers increase significantly in the next few days, think Miller, and if all it takes is a summer intern to point out the true flaws of Kerry, well maybe they are all too obvious. As for Miller being vaudeville, well, vaudeville is dead, just like the Kerry campaign. Now Al Sharpton at the Democratic National Convention, that was true vaudeville.


Paul Chapey

Canyon Lake


Miller has a lot of gall. Because I support Kerry, Miller says I believe America is the problem, not the solution. How dare he put words into my mouth! My friend Joshua worked in the World Trade Center. Our president used his death as an excuse to invade a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. That offends me to the core of my soul.

Now, even more friends of mine, in Iraq, are at risk of dying, while Osama bin Laden remains free. I’ve never believed America is the problem. George Bush is the problem.

Miguel Munoz

Los Angeles


Talking about “girlie men” at the Republican convention, I haven’t seen the use of so much Botox, hair dye and some nip and tucks since the Oscars.

Gerald Marantz

