
Americans and Iraqis Are Paying a Horrific Price

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Re “Suicide Blast Kills 7 Marines,” Sept. 7: All of these fine young men were from Camp Pendleton, the base that sits next door to our calm and peaceful seaside community, San Clemente. One of the soldiers was the future son-in-law of my dear friend. While she and I never discussed the war, we did not need to. Now the reality of this war was brought to her home with the loss of this fine young man. Her daughter will wake today to see the belongings he left behind, his scent everywhere, his presence embedded in her heart, her engagement ring on her finger. The families and friends of these two young people, as well as this community, are racked with pain and despair at this tremendous loss.

We cannot turn the tide with this administration. We can only tell our dear friend how truly and deeply sorry we are.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Sept. 10, 2004 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Friday September 10, 2004 Home Edition California Part B Page 10 Editorial Pages Desk 1 inches; 41 words Type of Material: Correction
War casualty -- In a Sept. 8 letter, Bradley Parker of Salt Lake City wrote that his brother was killed in Iraq “defending a Halliburton convoy near Basra.” The Times is unable to corroborate the soldier’s death and retracts the letter.

Denise Gee

San Clemente


Four weeks ago, my brother was killed in Iraq. He was a patriot. He was talented, and he was a good person. He died defending a Halliburton convoy near Basra in southern Iraq. I have to ask myself: What did he die for? George Bush lied to the American public about WMD. Iraq didn’t have them. Bush lied to the American public about a connection between 9/11 and Iraq. There isn’t any. And Bush broke international law by invading a foreign country.


My brother wrote many letters home before he was killed. One thing that was very disturbing about those letters is that he always mentioned the toll that this war is taking on the Iraqi people.

I don’t think Americans realize how many people have died over there. Americans are killing thousands of people. Why?

Please think of all the innocent people when you vote this November. Then ask yourself if you, or someone you love, should die for this war.


(My brothers and I grew up in L.A.)

Bradley Parker

Salt Lake City
