
Killing of Children in Sudan Demands Action

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Re “An Attack on the Will to Learn,” Sept. 28: We intervened in the former Yugoslavia because of “ethic cleansings,” the killing of groups of people. I deemed it the right thing to do. In Sudan, we have a similar situation: Arab militias, known as the janjaweed, are killing black Sudanese by the thousands and turning young females into sex slaves. The article mentioned these militias assaulting children while they are in school, shooting through the very thin walls and killing them. Children! Let that sink in for a moment. More than 50,000 black Sudanese have been killed and more than 1 million displaced, with the Sudanese government doing nothing except supporting this blood bath. How can we as a nation stand by and let this horror continue? If their skin color was anything but black, would it make a difference? I would hope not, but it seems as if these people are disposable. Children being killed while attending school. What else has to happen before someone takes action?

Robert Burns

Huntington Beach
