
Voters Made a Choice for Low Wages

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Re “Wages Lagging Behind Prices,” April 11: Americans have been receiving lower real wages for the last 14 months. This story used, as examples, only employees in California, and that is a shame.

Six months ago, workers, like myself, went to the polls and voted -- for the most reactionary, anti-labor administration in memory, an administration that showed almost zero job growth in four years, a group that thinks nothing is wrong when high-priced jobs are exported to China and India.

Middle-class taxes stay about the same, but we must lower taxes for the super-rich. George W. Bush is not the bad guy. The bad guy lives in Florida, Ohio, Texas, etc. Employees in those states voted for values -- whatever that really means. Can “values” be used for food, shelter, fuel, etc?


Those in Florida and other red states who wish to see the face of the culprit who is stealing your wages have an easy task: Look in the mirror. You brought this on yourself. Sad to say, but you brought it on me too.

Arthur L. Isgur

