
Students Go Back to Site of Shootings

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From Associated Press

Two boys wounded in last month’s deadly shooting rampage at Red Lake High School led the way as students returned to the campus Monday to gather up their belongings and take part in a traditional Indian healing ceremony.

Classes will resume today at the school on the Red Lake Reservation.

Ryan Auginash, 14, and Cody Thunder, 15, who survived the nation’s deadliest school shooting since Columbine in 1999, were at the front of a group of students, teachers and parents Monday.

Reporters were not allowed to observe the healing ceremony, which included Ojibwe songs and prayer, and people interviewed afterward were unwilling to speak in much detail about it.


Some students said they were fearful but determined to return to class.

“This is where I went to school,” said sophomore Misty Roy, 15. “I know everybody here. I just want to stay here.”

On March 21, Jeffrey Weise, 16, a loner and admirer of Adolf Hitler, shot to death his grandfather and the man’s girlfriend, then went to his school and killed seven people, including five students and a teacher. He then committed suicide. Seven students were wounded, including two 15-year-old boys still in a Fargo, N.D., hospital.
