
He had right architect, wrong house

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Scott Timberg’s article on the John Lautner-designed home now owned by book mogul Benedikt Taschen [“Eight Sides to This Story,” April 7] was most enlightening and interesting to me as a fan of midcentury architecture.

I found one error that, frankly, I’m surprised managed to sneak by Mr. Timberg, who states that the Taschen house appeared in the James Bond film “Diamonds Are Forever.”

Close but no cigar. The house that appeared in the 1971 Bond flick was and still is in Palm Springs. It was designed by Lautner as well, for Palm Springs designer Arthur Elrod in 1968.


Interestingly enough, a copy of Alan Hess and Andrew Danish’s book “Palm Springs Weekend,” where the background on the Elrod House can be found, sits on a glass coffee table in the center of a photograph that ran with the article. Perhaps Mr. Timberg might have thumbed through it before writing his story.

Robert Hill

