
Opposing Views on General Motors and The Times

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Regarding “GM Stops Buying Ads in The Times” (April 8):

General Motors Corp. is right: Dan Neil is apparently biased against GM in particular and American car manufacturers in general (“An American Idle,” Highway 1, April 6).

His Feb. 23 column (“Lexus’ Math Triumph”) about the new Lexus sport utility vehicle raved about its $50,000 sticker price, whereas the Pontiac G6 “review” was mostly a rant against GM management and a couple of paragraphs dedicated to an offhand dismissal of the G6 -- a car that costs half as much as the Lexus.

Michael Goldstein



After reading Dan Neil’s excellent review of the Pontiac G6, I had a feeling GM would respond in some way, although I’m a bit surprised that it decided to stop buying ads in The Times.


Neil’s harsh but brutally honest assessment of GM’s loss of market share, uninspired new vehicles and recent management reorganization has been widely documented.

If GM is so upset with the nature in which it is being portrayed, perhaps it should build vehicles that people actually want to buy rather than lure customers into dealerships with ridiculously high incentives and rebates.

Dave Dolnick

Thousand Oaks
