
Let the Republicans Do the Democrats’ Work

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Re “They’ve All Stepped on Schwarzenegger’s Lines,” April 25: Perhaps the Democratic National Committee powers-that-be in the next presidential election will take heed of this campaign in California. However ham-fisted the strategy in California appears to be, it seems to be working. Certainly the DNC’s past strategies have not been very effective.

In the next national go-round there will be quite a cast of sympathetic figures to trot out and point to as victims of Bush & Co.’s legacy here and abroad.

Now, as to the Democrats’ severe case of slinky disease, well, that’s another topic.

Connie Kruzan

Los Angeles


Is it really a surprise to anyone that the actor we elected governor can’t govern? Lucky for him that the first lady of California has the genes and upbringing that just may save him from himself. I am not a fan of professional politicians, but our state’s highest office deserves better than a novice.


I’ve been told we get the government we deserve. Oh God, I hope that’s not true.

Pamela Osborn

