
From ‘O.C.’ to N.C.

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Times Staff Writer

THERE he was, in Winston-Salem, N.C., far from Hollywood and his life as Ryan Atwood on the hit TV show “The O.C.”

It was the summer of 2004 and Ben McKenzie was shooting his first movie, “Junebug.” Despite the popularity of the debut season of “The O.C.,” McKenzie was floating around the North Carolina town hiding behind a mustache (for the character, not as a fashion statement), with hardly anyone taking a second glance.

“I kind of got away from everything for a little while, which was really nice,” McKenzie, 26, recalled while sitting outside a coffee shop recently in Santa Monica.


It’s nothing against “The O.C.” -- McKenzie loves the show and credits it for allowing him to be “probably too picky” with movie scripts and only choose ones he’s passionate about, like “Junebug.”

The low-budget indie drama, which opens today in Los Angeles and New York, was written by Angus MacLachlan and directed by Phil Morrison (both Winston-Salem natives) and filmed in just three weeks. McKenzie plays Johnny, the easily irritated, pessimistic husband of a very pregnant, and optimistic wife, Ashley (played by Amy Adams).

Although the debut film role gave McKenzie his first chance to break away from “Ryan” -- the only character fans have ever known him as -- Adams made sure her “Junebug” spouse didn’t forget his roots.


One day during production, McKenzie went to use a restroom near the set and found himself face to face with a poster of none other than Ryan Atwood from “The O.C.” -- compliments of Adams, who had purchased it at the local Wal-Mart.

“He just shook his head,” said Adams, who played the fiancee to Leonardo DiCaprio’s character in “Catch Me if You Can.” “I think right away Ben had my number, so he knew what to expect.”

Adams, 30, and McKenzie were both complimented by Morrison for their serious approach to the film (with some obvious time for silliness on the side). Both auditioned for their roles, but there was one minor difference.


“[Ben] was the only cast member who I had not seen in anything because I hadn’t seen ‘The O.C.,’ ” said Morrison. “All I saw was his audition for Johnny ... I’d seen Amy in plenty of stuff.”

In fact, after seeing Adams’ performance in “Catch Me if You Can,” Morrison said he remembered thinking she would make the perfect “Ashley.” Critics agreed. Adams won the Special Jury Prize at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival for her role.

McKenzie read 50 or 60 scripts prior to auditioning for “Junebug,” and said that MacLachlan’s clearly fell into the select group of stories he wanted to tell.

“I like movies that are about people and don’t really rely on gimmicks and gadgets and sort of moviemaking hocus pocus,” McKenzie said. “We’re just telling a story and hopefully we’re telling it well. It lives or dies on the strength of that story and your ability to tell it.”

So how exactly do you describe what the film is about?

“It’s not a romantic comedy. It’s not a thriller or a horror movie or an action movie,” McKenzie said. “It’s just a story. It’s just some people livin’.”

True. It is difficult to categorize, but it does have a plot.

Johnny, Ashley and Johnny’s parents, who all live together, get to meet their new sister/daughter-in-law for the first time: Johnny’s brother George (Alessandro Nivola) is bringing his wife of six months, Madeleine (Embeth Davidtz), a cultured art dealer who coincidentally had to come to North Carolina from Chicago on business, to his family’s nearby home.


The clash of cultures makes for great comedy and intensely awkward situations -- with some drama on the side.

McKenzie made it clear that he is proud that “Junebug” is his first film, not only because he is thrilled with the way it turned out, but also because of the motives behind his choice.

“I would hate to have my run and look back and say, ‘I can justify everything that I did, but only because I did them for financial reasons or for fame,’” he said. “Everyone’s got a different way of looking at it, and I don’t know if I’m necessarily right. I could sit back, 10, 20 years from now and think, ‘I should have done that teen horror film or I should have done that romantic comedy or whatever,’ and I would do them if they were good. I really would. If there are good ones out there, I’ll do them. At least you don’t look back and say, I shouldn’t have done ‘Junebug’ because it wasn’t a good movie. Well, I actually liked it ... That’s fun to look back and say I did that.”

McKenzie said he is glad to be starting his career by doing smaller films, proving himself as a capable actor, which in turn will hopefully allow him to break into bigger projects.

He also doesn’t view “The O.C.” so much as a launching pad as a cushion.

“It depends how you look at it. Some people would say ‘Strike while the iron’s hot and work all you can,’ ” he said. But he views it like this: “I don’t have to take a job for money and I’m very blessed in that way.”

McKenzie, who said his strategy on the set was to pretend like he knew what he was doing, praised the acting of everyone around him in “Junebug,” especially highlighting Celia Weston, who plays Peg, his mother.


And as for Adams, “What you’re seeing there is a real performance,” McKenzie said.

“It was really fun to watch her do her thing,” he continued. “Her character is truly the polar opposite of Johnny’s character, and it’s really fun to watch them bounce off of each other.”

For example, when Johnny meets his brother’s new wife for the first time, he greets her with: “Got any cigarettes?” With a completely contrasting attitude, minutes after Ashley meets Madeleine, she becomes attached and proclaims: “I love her,” and just when you think she’s going to leave the newcomer be, Ashley eagerly offers to help her unpack.

Both actors heaped praise on Morrison, 36, who, like McKenzie, is making his full-length, feature-film debut.

“Phil was very good about working with each of us and helping to fine tune each of us ...,” McKenzie said.

Adams said she loved the spirit of the independent film.

“It kind of removes ego from the process,” she said. “Nobody’s there for a paycheck.”

As for the future, Adams said she has some projects in the mix, but nothing slated for release.

“I’m just looking forward to ‘Junebug’ coming out and getting people to see it,” she said.

McKenzie, who is shooting the third season of “The O.C.,” is equally enthusiastic, especially it being his first involvement in any movie. But he may have a leg up on Adams when it comes to promoting the film.


Sitting outside the coffee shop, back in the L.A. lifestyle and without the disguise of a mustache, McKenzie was approached by a fan.

“Excuse me, Ben, I just wanted to say that I’m a huge fan of yours, and I can’t wait for the third season,” said the young woman. “I just want to say I love your work.”

“Thank you very much,” McKenzie replied.

The actor was about to turn back to the interview when he paused to shout one more thing to the woman as she walked off.

“Watch ‘Junebug’.”

“I try to get a plug in here and there,” he said with a smile.
