
Editorial unfairly maligned Pakistan

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The July 26 editorial, “Pakistan’s problem,” unfortunately forces one to believe that there is an inherent anti-Pakistan bias in the newspaper’s policy.

The editorial relies on circumstantial evidence to malign Pakistan’s image and its contribution to the global war against terrorism. Was there a shred of evidence in the incidents mentioned linking Pakistan to exporting terrorism, as has been suggested?

The responsibility for training anti-Soviet “jihadists” fighting in Afghanistan, some of whom later became terrorists or joined ranks of extremists, is shared by many and should be shared equally for the subsequent consequences.


Similarly, states also should assume responsibility for the acts of their own citizens and not try to shift the blame on others. People born and raised in those societies falling prey to the extremists’ agenda is indicative of a serious flaw that needs to be looked into.

Pakistan, for its part, is following a multifaceted policy to deal with extremism and all its manifestations, but everyone has to realize that this monster that has been created over decades cannot be simply wished away.

Noor Muhammad Jadmani

Consul General of Pakistan


Los Angeles
