
Bush’s saber-rattling deserves more attention

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Re “Bush Won’t Rule Out Military Action Against Iran,” Aug. 14

On a beautiful late Saturday summer morning, I heard President Bush on the radio talking about Iran. Suddenly, I heard him say, “All options are on the table ... we’ve used force in the recent past to secure our country.”

Bush’s bullying drumbeat for war begins once again, and the Los Angeles Times relegates this reportage to page A12.

It surely merits more attention than the article on smog, printed on the front page.

Where were your White House reporters? Where was some context from your Washington analysts? If not now, when?


It is a supreme irony that Bush, surrounded by layers of security, continually reminds us that he is the “wartime president.”

Yet the “wartime president” lacks the courage and compassion to walk down that dusty road in Crawford and meet with Cindy Sheehan, a mother whose son did have the courage and made the ultimate sacrifice in Bush’s trumped-up war.


Los Angeles



Bush’s threat to use military force against Iran must have the Iranians shaking in their boots -- now that he has licked the Iraqis.


Los Angeles
