
Freeway Shootings in the Cross Hairs

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Re “Freeway Shootings Share Similar Traits but Seem to Be Unrelated,” June 29: The similarities in the freeway shootings should have been spelled out a little more clearly in your article.

First, all of the victims are law-abiding citizens.

Second, all of the perpetrators disregard the law and are most likely gang members.

Third, the police can do nothing because they arrive on the scene too late.

Unfortunately, the shootings will continue until otherwise law-abiding citizens decide to break the law, carry firearms and shoot back, or the gangsters have a realistic fear that those they are shooting at are legally armed and may shoot them in self-defense.

If California really wants this as well as other types of violent crime to stop, it should follow the majority of other states and restore to law-abiding citizens their 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.


Miguel Rosales



When the Los Angeles Police Department calls the recent freeway shootings unrelated, why should we believe it.

The same department for months acknowledged no connection between the Tate and LaBianca murders, even though in each case the Manson family garroted and stabbed people in their homes, wrote words in blood about pigs instead of taking valuables, and the killings occurred only 10 miles apart on consecutive nights.

While respecting our police, let’s maintain a healthy skepticism about their conclusions.

Ryan Stevens

Los Angeles
