
‘Purlie’ enthusiasm

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I very much enjoyed the article about “Purlie” [“Resurrecting ‘Purlie,’ ” July 3]. The director’s and the cast’s enthusiasm shines through, and I totally understand that, having directed the musical myself in 1975 at Morgan State University in Maryland. However, I really beg to differ with director Sheldon Epps’ referral to Gitlow as “a little bit Martin Luther King.” I don’t think so.

Barbara Mealy



I take issue with Jan Breslauer’s characterization of ethnic-specific development labs at regional theaters as “the art world’s version of affirmative action.” They are, in fact, the antithesis of affirmative action. Hopefully, we have matured, at least in the local theater community, beyond the segregated, separate but equal (pre-Brown vs. Board of Education) mentality and can move onto the next step -- the diversity which affirmative action was designed to support.

Arline Chambers

Los Angeles
