
High Hopes for Tasteful Satellite Radio Dashed

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“Rivals, and Friends?” (July 10) was an interesting report on the satellite radio competitors Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. and XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc.

One is dismayed, however, to find that one of the competitors has hired as chief executive an executive from vacuous TV whose entire career has been based upon foisting tasteless entertainment upon the masses.

Mel Karmazin, formerly of Viacom Inc., gives meaning to the New York media expression, “No one ever got rich by overestimating the taste of the public.” It is also rather curious how Karmazin has defended the grossly insulting public behavior of Howard Stern, a man who has never outgrown his pubescent interest in pornographic sex, ever since their days together with Infinity Broadcasting Corp.


The two New Yorkers were evidently meant for each other. It is unfortunate that the two must play out their careers taking down satellite radio to their level of tastelessness.

Daniel Eliason

Santa Barbara
